Monday, November 2, 2009



Okay, that's abit lame but I just thought about my boyfriend's birthday and realized that it's coming up in about 2 weeks time, which means shopping time!
I really don't know what to get him. Although there are alot of ideas, and there's heaps of things that I know he desires.. I just want to get him something that is 'meaningful.'
I was thinking a photo album with all our pictures, or maybe.. I'll get him a DVD/CD player for his car, and a car part that he wants for his car. I'll see what'll happen.
I don't think it's neccersary to take him anywhere special? Aslong as he's with me, and his family and close friends than it's all good, right? Like I said, we've discussed our relationship and it isn't based upon gifts. Once in awhile is good I guess, but spoiling isn't neccerssary at all.. Welll.. NOT YET that is, LOL.
Anyway, I'm so bored, and it's fully tabully hot at the moment even though the air con's on, sheesh. Well good bye people.

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