Sunday, November 29, 2009

I hate boring Saturdays.

I really hate not blogging for a long time, due to my mind seems to erase my memories. Lol, nah I'm just playing.. But seriously, I always forget what to write when it comes to summing up a whole weekend! But since I'm bored, and have time (which Is always) I'll type everything up in details!
So on Thursday, was so freaking hot! It was boiling to be honest. And my bf had saw his mates at PCYC, (we were on our way to drop Jimmy home) so yeah I guess because he hasn't hung or seen them since his birthday he decided to hang with them for abit.
"Abit" turned into an hour or so, which also included being soaked in the rain. YES IT RAINED AFTERWARDS like wth? Lol.
Friday? Friday was a day I was looking forward to since we had all planned to cruise to the beach! And we did it, although it wasn't fun. My girl, Trang came along too.. and she did something naughty ;) but yeah, we cruised to Bondi, and yes I did swim. Although the weather wasn't humid at all. It had cold wind, and I was getting fustrating since I wanted to swim so bad. But in the end, I did. Although I didn't dip my head into the water, LOL.
We all went home before 11 since everyone there was on there red p's. HOW GAY, lol. But hey? Atleast we're following the law.. HOW GAYYYYYY.
On Saturday..OMG. So fucking boring man! Well anyway, it was me, Tommy, Jimmy, Moo Moo, David, and Julia. We cruised around cause we were oh sooo bored. And they told us to lead (me and Moo moo) we didn't know where to take them so we took them to some place called 'Capital Hill' where this was 4 million dollar house was at. AND HOLY SHIT, IT WAS SO BIG AND BEAUTIFUL!! After that we drove back to the area all bored and shit.. deciding where to go. Lol, after that Julia went home and we picked up Trang. I hopped into my boyfriend's car and then Jimmy hopped into David's. I know, it's some bullshit rotation thing, but it sucks when you're on your reds, lol. Afterwards, we didn't go anywhere at all poor Trang came out for no reason. But still, better than nothing. Atleast I got to see her, missed her heaps.
So yep, that was my boring weekend! Hope you guysa had better, cheers.
The sky looked so beautiful on Thursday! Loved it.
The new 'Wicked' drink. Saw it on T.V, then the next day drove around searching for it. And yet again, that same Cabramatta grocery store sold it. HAHA damn asians. But anyway, thats not the point. The point is, the art on this drink is amazing oh, and the commercial! This drink is also yummy as well. No let downs here. It's an energy drink btw.

isn't this cool, right? Bought in one of the Cabramatta grocery stores, lol.
Although it looks appealing and yummy. This drink tastes 'light' if you get what I mean. Doesn't have stronger flavors.

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