Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just like a flash light, like a flash light (8)

Oh golly gosh! That song has been stuck in my head since the time I woke up. Weird?
Anyway, I really need a job. I've been bumming like this for too long, waking up in the arvo and always eating my parents money. I know they get annoyed, but what can they do, right?
But like.. where the fuck can I get one, jeez.
Well, I'm not doing anything at the moment besides, catching up on cafe world, and facebooking like always. I've got the facebook disorder and I'm loving it! Hehe.
It's a Friday night (YAY) hope we go somewhere exciting tonight, perhaps the beach again so I can swiimmmmmm...
Thats all I'ma type today folks. Cheers.

XOXO kimberly.

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