Monday, November 30, 2009

Better Sunday?

Hi! So yes.. I have to admit, today was way better than yesterday although the events that occured today wasn't satisfying as all! Woke up at erm.. 2ish? Then stayed up watching The Hills (again) I am totally obsessed with that show though I gotta wait for Trang to watch it first before I borrow it! Me and my boyfriend went to have Thai food for lunch/dinner? Okay, more like dinner cause it was 6.. But the sun was still up! After that called Moo Moo because we were supposed to meet up with him earlier, but then he went to Dinner with everyone else.
Met everyone at Canley (Trang, Ricky, Jonathan, Kevin, Linda T.) We all headed off to Kk's for some yummy donuts! Yummmm.. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the mudcake donut. It's so.. beautiful, ha. We sat and chilled for abit, talked about stupid shit as always, then after decided to go home since it's a Sunday, and they all had their assigmnents to complete. Trang, the funny bitch was full complaining about how much she didn't wanna go home and wanted to do something else! I wanted to as well since I had a boring weekend :(
In the car, she was talking about having her birthday at a beach house! YES YES YES. Something exciting to look forward too.. I can't wait! I need a good get away anyways.
So yes, we dropped everyone home and decided to go home ourselves. But then when we drove into John St. my boyfriend's saw his friends and decided to hang out with them.. Even though I waited in the car for quite awhile, I didn't complain since my boyfriend hasn't hung with his mates for awhile!
OMG.. Forgot to mention.. Well, whilst my boyfriend was in his friend's house for abit, and I was outside in the car waiting.. and playing bouncy balls on my iPhone.. I heard a whisper! It was kinda like "HEY" but in a quick fainty way. Scared the shit outta me.. I quickly honk the horn and threw myself outta the car =.=" bloody hell!
Well thats it for me. Blog soon guys, xoxo. Hope everyone is safe and well!

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