Friday, November 6, 2009

One of 'them' days..

Okay, I'm back. Felt like blogging about memories just for the sake of boredom.
I was just reminiscing about 'primary' days, when things were once considered insignificant to us, and we were just young kids living life with no responsibilities!
Time has gone by so quickly, yet we don't even realized because we spend too much time hoping for a better future that we don't even have time to remember the old days! I remember back then when best friends were so tacky. We chose whoever, and we'd fight most of the times!
But one of my best girlies who has been closes to be ever since primary is Kelly Phuong!
We've been friends for god knows how long, and yet we're still close because of this special bond we've got. That girl will always be the other half of my heart no matter what! <3.
Oh em gee, so.. When I was a kid, my mum used to make me finish off my dinner no matter what!
She says it's a sin, since there are alot of people who aren't wealthy, and who don't have food.
She'd never let me chuck away my food.. And if I did, I'd either get yelled at really badly, smacked or she'll back me kneel on my knees for about half an hour to an hour!
Oh my god was that hell or what. LOL. But thinking back, that was seriously funny..
I remember I had crushes on certain people whom I'm still friends with today. Although I won't mention any name(s) hehe. Gosh, that "butterfly" feeling was really overwhelming for some reason.. And how I'd use to write their name on my books, bag, diary all that shit!
There was a time how, I'd used my home phone to call that person and (before I had even gotten a mobile phone) I had left a paper with his number next to the phone with his name on it.
My step-dad got angry and was like, "WHY ARE YOU CALLING BOYS?" HAHA..
Choi, was that insane or what! Now when I think about it, my boyfriend sleeps over my place IN MY ROOM and my parents don't even give a fat fuck. Only because they love him..:)

Gosh, although thinking about child hood makes me miss it, there were times when life was such a misery. That I was going through phases where a child shouldn't be going through!
Although life was abit complicated back then, I cherish my life a million times more because I've got such wonderful friends around me that'll support me 100% and I'm thankful for that!
Sometimes I wish life would go on forever, that we could live forever and go older AND older to see everything change. But that'll never happen! Gee, when I think about death I get so scared.. I know, who wouldn't right? BUT who knows when your last day is!! That's why I am trying to make the most out of everything because it seems asthough death is getting closer & closer as we're getting older..
Ah, I'm always thinking about why be with someone when it's going to end? Or why life when you're going to die? But even though the results are death.. our memories will remain forever. And hopefully it'll pass on to our children, and our children's childrens! Lol.
Ok, this blog is really long. IM DONE NOW.


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