Thursday, November 26, 2009

Flaws are big let downs. But nobody's perfect right?

Another deprived sleepless night! So guess what? I've been thinking about make-up, lol. I mean, yeah it's quite usual to think about that stuff but not for me it isn't!
I'm in search for foundation! Or in better words, a good quality one. The ones that don't have SPL or something in it? Because I hate it when I've got it on, and my face looks so white in photos!
I'm also bidding on this napoleon nude colored lip stick on eBay, it's cool! I love nudey colored lipstick, it's not too bright yet plain and suits my face quite well. Well if anyone knows any cool cosmetics, then let me know please! Doesn't matter if it's pricey or not, aslong as it's reasonable to purchase. Ciao guys!

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