Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon = love.

NEW MOON ROCKED! It's literally my favourite movie of the year, cannot wait until Eclipse comes out. I know, long time from now to be considering it but I'm half way through the book; so far so good. I just love the concept of the story, even though there's obvious contents and predictions everything is just so darn good about it!
Although in New Moon, I got kind've fustrated because Bella told Jaob that she loved him, and then told him not to choose between him or Edward because she would choose Edward? Then duh, no need to tell someone you love them (AND YES IN THAT WAY) if you're not going to end up with them! Poor Jacob.. Well, if I were single then I'd have him. lol. Kidding! (If you're reading this babe, you're hotter than Jacob) HAHAHAHA..
And oh-em-gee.. Edward has a horrific body. He's so hairy, and his nipples are hugeeeeeee! Although on the other hand, Jacob Black's body was beautiful :)
Well, too much Twilight tisn't good for you, so I'm going to end it here and I'll be sure to blog tomorrow because I've got the laptop til then.

Hope everyone is well! Xoxo.

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