Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy halloween to all!

Spot anything from far behind? =P

Mel and I.

Steph, Me and Mel.

Hey, hey!!

My weekend turned out to be great, and my concerns about not having a costume was released after a last minute idea, lol. Well, on Saturday I was just facebooking and then the random idea of dressing up as the grudge/ghost/zombie or whatever popped into my head. Although I had the idea of being the grudge in the beginning I just didn't want to dress up as her because it was TOO scary even though the occasion is scary, and that's based on horrific looks, etc.
So yep, I basically just took a shower didn't even dry my hair and went to Mel's house to get ready.
I had this white dress that my boyfriend's mum gave to me earlier, and it could pass a the dress the grudge wore in the film (y)
My look was SCARY, HORRIFYING, FRIGHTENING.. All in the contents of scary I guess, hehe.
Although I loved it! Why bother dressing up as a nurse, cheerleader, etc.. Like what the fuck people, it's Halloween, not slut festival.
The party was pretty good since everybody made an effort to dress up!
Mel was a zombie bride, she looked hottt.
And OMG, surprisingly Fiona Ho came to the party after not seeing her for a decade or so, LOL. Okay, maybe not that long but you know what I mean, right. Feels good to re-unite with your mates again. :)
Although there was one person who missed out, was being missed. And that was Trang Nguyen. Reason being was because she was at a Beach house thingy with her cousins, and Uckie which is still mad!!!! I'd love to go.
So now, I just came back from a lil cruise with the boys, and I'm bored so decided to blog since I haven't yet.
I'll blog tomorrow, and the day after!!

XOXO kimmoy. Have a great week guys, MWA!

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