Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gloomy weather calls for cuddles in bed

Crap, I realized that I haven't been posting any photos up. WELL reason being is because I'm not like a massive 'freak' at blogging. In other words, I don't take photos of everything I do, everywhere I go or everything I eat (no offense) LOL!
So today, was such a long boring day.. We didn't do anything besides, eat, drive, eat, drive.
We ate at bloody My Thuan again, but this time we went with my boyfriend's friends.
And Jimmy the idiot popped out a bone from his knee because he was being a silly boy, and then fell backwards, LOL. But it was HILARIOUS at the time, although we felt slack because we kept on laughing whilst he was in serious pain HAHA but it WASSSS so funny!!
Hm.. I think that's all I've got to blog about really. If i've got anything else to blog about then I'll blog again. It's now raining at the moment.. How shitty :(

Well, goodbye folks. :)

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