Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hey to all!
So, today was yet again one of those laze around days. I really should start to something with my life! But, I'm planning to study and do all of those stuff next year! So I guess it's bumming for me now and I'll worry about the rest later! I'm still contemplating whether to study Youth Work or something else? Perhaps I'll stick with that since I've been longing to study it, and of course become one! Awesome.
Well yes, today I didn't do anything but hang with the boys! I can believe 2009 is coming to end. Everything and everyone has changed.. Some for the bad and some for the good! But none of my babes have changed at all! But wow.. I still see myself as a kid. A person who throws all my responsibilites on my parents, and not to mention rely on them. I don't even notice that I'm getting older, and (supposed to me) getting wiser! But aslong as my minds maturing, then it's good. Which I'm sure it is..
So yes, I'm planning to save money as soon as I get a job to save up for a car! I don't think I can do without a car once I get my license! Although my boyfriend always says once I get my license I can borrow his car.. But I don't want to! I want my own, lol. I don't know what though! But for sure I'm going for my manuals, since I'm pretty good at it now. I'll probably go after an EK or an EM1. Woot woot! But my heart still remains with Nissans.. Awww..s15!
Anyway, enough talking shit for now. Blog soon guys xoxo.

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