Monday, November 30, 2009

Better Sunday?

Hi! So yes.. I have to admit, today was way better than yesterday although the events that occured today wasn't satisfying as all! Woke up at erm.. 2ish? Then stayed up watching The Hills (again) I am totally obsessed with that show though I gotta wait for Trang to watch it first before I borrow it! Me and my boyfriend went to have Thai food for lunch/dinner? Okay, more like dinner cause it was 6.. But the sun was still up! After that called Moo Moo because we were supposed to meet up with him earlier, but then he went to Dinner with everyone else.
Met everyone at Canley (Trang, Ricky, Jonathan, Kevin, Linda T.) We all headed off to Kk's for some yummy donuts! Yummmm.. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the mudcake donut. It's so.. beautiful, ha. We sat and chilled for abit, talked about stupid shit as always, then after decided to go home since it's a Sunday, and they all had their assigmnents to complete. Trang, the funny bitch was full complaining about how much she didn't wanna go home and wanted to do something else! I wanted to as well since I had a boring weekend :(
In the car, she was talking about having her birthday at a beach house! YES YES YES. Something exciting to look forward too.. I can't wait! I need a good get away anyways.
So yes, we dropped everyone home and decided to go home ourselves. But then when we drove into John St. my boyfriend's saw his friends and decided to hang out with them.. Even though I waited in the car for quite awhile, I didn't complain since my boyfriend hasn't hung with his mates for awhile!
OMG.. Forgot to mention.. Well, whilst my boyfriend was in his friend's house for abit, and I was outside in the car waiting.. and playing bouncy balls on my iPhone.. I heard a whisper! It was kinda like "HEY" but in a quick fainty way. Scared the shit outta me.. I quickly honk the horn and threw myself outta the car =.=" bloody hell!
Well thats it for me. Blog soon guys, xoxo. Hope everyone is safe and well!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I hate boring Saturdays.

I really hate not blogging for a long time, due to my mind seems to erase my memories. Lol, nah I'm just playing.. But seriously, I always forget what to write when it comes to summing up a whole weekend! But since I'm bored, and have time (which Is always) I'll type everything up in details!
So on Thursday, was so freaking hot! It was boiling to be honest. And my bf had saw his mates at PCYC, (we were on our way to drop Jimmy home) so yeah I guess because he hasn't hung or seen them since his birthday he decided to hang with them for abit.
"Abit" turned into an hour or so, which also included being soaked in the rain. YES IT RAINED AFTERWARDS like wth? Lol.
Friday? Friday was a day I was looking forward to since we had all planned to cruise to the beach! And we did it, although it wasn't fun. My girl, Trang came along too.. and she did something naughty ;) but yeah, we cruised to Bondi, and yes I did swim. Although the weather wasn't humid at all. It had cold wind, and I was getting fustrating since I wanted to swim so bad. But in the end, I did. Although I didn't dip my head into the water, LOL.
We all went home before 11 since everyone there was on there red p's. HOW GAY, lol. But hey? Atleast we're following the law.. HOW GAYYYYYY.
On Saturday..OMG. So fucking boring man! Well anyway, it was me, Tommy, Jimmy, Moo Moo, David, and Julia. We cruised around cause we were oh sooo bored. And they told us to lead (me and Moo moo) we didn't know where to take them so we took them to some place called 'Capital Hill' where this was 4 million dollar house was at. AND HOLY SHIT, IT WAS SO BIG AND BEAUTIFUL!! After that we drove back to the area all bored and shit.. deciding where to go. Lol, after that Julia went home and we picked up Trang. I hopped into my boyfriend's car and then Jimmy hopped into David's. I know, it's some bullshit rotation thing, but it sucks when you're on your reds, lol. Afterwards, we didn't go anywhere at all poor Trang came out for no reason. But still, better than nothing. Atleast I got to see her, missed her heaps.
So yep, that was my boring weekend! Hope you guysa had better, cheers.
The sky looked so beautiful on Thursday! Loved it.
The new 'Wicked' drink. Saw it on T.V, then the next day drove around searching for it. And yet again, that same Cabramatta grocery store sold it. HAHA damn asians. But anyway, thats not the point. The point is, the art on this drink is amazing oh, and the commercial! This drink is also yummy as well. No let downs here. It's an energy drink btw.

isn't this cool, right? Bought in one of the Cabramatta grocery stores, lol.
Although it looks appealing and yummy. This drink tastes 'light' if you get what I mean. Doesn't have stronger flavors.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My new obsession.

Well, it's not "new" since I've had an account on loving it for awhile now! I think Geishas are so beautiful, and peaceful yet they've got that sexy side to them. They're like a work of art, a masterpiece more like it! I was planning to get a tattoo of it on my back, and I had the one in mind! But recently I found out that a friend whom is a male got it! I was so shocked :( So i'm guess i'm in search for a new one.. But it won't be sometime soon though. Maybe when I'm a lil 1 is enough for now! Although, I don't want the original Geishas. I want a cute, cartoonarized (sort've)

Although I'm still contemplating on whether to get a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe or a Geisha! Argh..

Flaws are big let downs. But nobody's perfect right?

Another deprived sleepless night! So guess what? I've been thinking about make-up, lol. I mean, yeah it's quite usual to think about that stuff but not for me it isn't!
I'm in search for foundation! Or in better words, a good quality one. The ones that don't have SPL or something in it? Because I hate it when I've got it on, and my face looks so white in photos!
I'm also bidding on this napoleon nude colored lip stick on eBay, it's cool! I love nudey colored lipstick, it's not too bright yet plain and suits my face quite well. Well if anyone knows any cool cosmetics, then let me know please! Doesn't matter if it's pricey or not, aslong as it's reasonable to purchase. Ciao guys!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hey to all!
So, today was yet again one of those laze around days. I really should start to something with my life! But, I'm planning to study and do all of those stuff next year! So I guess it's bumming for me now and I'll worry about the rest later! I'm still contemplating whether to study Youth Work or something else? Perhaps I'll stick with that since I've been longing to study it, and of course become one! Awesome.
Well yes, today I didn't do anything but hang with the boys! I can believe 2009 is coming to end. Everything and everyone has changed.. Some for the bad and some for the good! But none of my babes have changed at all! But wow.. I still see myself as a kid. A person who throws all my responsibilites on my parents, and not to mention rely on them. I don't even notice that I'm getting older, and (supposed to me) getting wiser! But aslong as my minds maturing, then it's good. Which I'm sure it is..
So yes, I'm planning to save money as soon as I get a job to save up for a car! I don't think I can do without a car once I get my license! Although my boyfriend always says once I get my license I can borrow his car.. But I don't want to! I want my own, lol. I don't know what though! But for sure I'm going for my manuals, since I'm pretty good at it now. I'll probably go after an EK or an EM1. Woot woot! But my heart still remains with Nissans.. Awww..s15!
Anyway, enough talking shit for now. Blog soon guys xoxo.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And when I become a star, we'll be living so large; I'll do anything for you!

Hello! So yes, been blogging quite alot these days. Today, was a calm day.. Nothing too full on, and omg can't believe I didn't attend my Centerlink interview, which means I have to call up and book another appoinment (again). Jeezus!
Well yes, today I didn't do much but cruised around with the boys! Had Thai food for lunch with Tommy. Didn't taste "yummy" today for some reason! But, gotta love paupau salad (is that how you spell it) hm.. afterwards went to Hungry Jacks to clean boyfriend's car and then Moo Moo and that came! Omg, I feel so bad because, I went though drive through and like, this girl was acting real catty to me through that drive through speaker thingo! Cause I was strugging to look for coins, and apparently I was "holding back the cars" but when I looked back, there were no cars! And, I had a problem with her before as well! She's a bitch. Well yeah, when she said that, I yelled at her back and said, "Can you shut up, and stop being rude." Then afterwards I drove up and then she was like, "Were you yelling at me, I'm so sorry" I said, "It's fine, but next time.. Don't be rude" lol, and yeah drove off! =S
After that we drove to Jimmy's house because he wanted to take his car out (S13) and yay, today he actually let me take it for a spin at Chipping Nortan. We saw Tam there, (Kelly's older brother) and he took Tommy's car to drive home,and then after we were to go get it. I got to see Kelly after many weeks! I got to see her sister's daugters; Olivia and Ysabella! And also Chloe. They are sooo beautiful. Me, Kelly and Trang are planning to go have dinner this Friday, totally excited! Time to catch up with my chickas :)
Anyway, I'll end it there. See yah! XOXO

Laziest one outtt

Omg, i'm so... (I don't even have a word to describe me) I missed out on my centerlink interview all because I slept in! This is the second time that it has happened.. But I don't really need centerlink? Oh well. I swear, I never get anything done when I'm over at Tommy's! But I know, I shouldn't blame anyone or anything, lol.
So anyway, best lolly(s) out? Hard rock candy baby! They are oh so good, and not to mention 'sweet' and they drive me crazy. I would tip the whole bloody thing in my mouth if they were all the same flavours, but unfortuantely it's not!


Ah, I'm so agitated at the moment. Why? Because I feel sick, annoyed, tired (but can't sleep)
oh, and so sorry for not posting much pictures up! There weren't any 'nice' ones, and basically because I can't be bothered.. I just felt like blogging again for some reason.
Anyway, I'm sitting here checking out cosmetics, since my make-up bag is in need of new stuff, AND I want to try out new brands! I've been holding onto Napoleon, I think it's time to let go of it now. For the mean time, I really want a nice nude frosted colored lipstick! It's so in style now, and it fits perfectly on my tanned face, and lips. Been searching it up on eBay, but there's not much alternatives to choose from so therefore I'm gonna give the M.A.C store a visit this weekend, can't wait. Well yeah, anyway I'm gonna hit the sheets now, good bye :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cause boy, I-I-I want you right now!

So guess what? I just blogged everything out, and then accidently deleted it! I can't undo everything, and now I have to type it all out again. Fml? No, not really.
So.. even though I'm not that 'every day' blogger I used to be, I'll always update you guys with everything (in details of course) only because I love blogging so much? lol..
Anyway, here it goes!

On Friday.. we all decided to go to the beach/fishing. Who went? Well, it was me, Tommy, Jimmy, Phillip (A), Kevin, Moo Moo, David, and Julia. It was quite uncalled for because we started off doing nothing, just cruised around being bored people that we were. It was only, me, Tommy, Jimmy and Moo Moo at first cruising. Kevin wanted to go fishing.. Then Phillip called us up, and asked where we were! At that time, we were at Jimmy's area. So then we met up with Phillip and Kevin at Lansavales Maccas to plan everything out! Omg, Tommy was sitting on the boot thingy of the car with his legs sticking out, and then Phillip rammed the car at home to scare him. I guess he didn't break on time and then rammed into Tommy's feet, and it now has a massive scar on there! Looked pretty bad because the skin was gradually opening at the time, but it's healing now!
So yep, we all decided to go fishing so we all went home, got our crap and then left! First we went to La Parouse to the beach. The weather was so beautiful! It was so cool, and the water was beautiful. My intentions were to swim as soon as I got there, but stupidly I didn't bring any spare clothes and a towel, but in the end I ended up jumping into the water anyways. It was irresistable really because everyone was swimming! I loved it, my boyfriend was being a pussy and was too scared to get in the water haha! Cutie.
After that, Phillip directed us to some "mad" fishing place, but instead it was a completely waste of time! The fence to go all the way to the precise spot was CLOSED. So therefore we had to park the car at the gate, and crawl/climb over the fence AND THEN walk the 1km road! It was soooooo windy and tiring. I'd say it took approximately 15 minutes to get to the actual spot. =="
When we got there, we were all shocked because the rocks were so steep! We had to literally crawl our way down.. But I didn't go because it looked dangerous, and I made my boyfriend stay up because I didn't want him to go down there! Kevin, Jimmy and David went! After awhile, they realized that it was hopeless to fish there since it was too windy. So we left, and then went to Parramatta River, which was way more reasonable to stay! The climate was perfect, and there was shelter and a proper place to sit. I didn't fish, only because there wasn't enough rods.
Kevin the lucky one, had only begun to fish and had caught one already! It was quite small and hopeless... Haha. He was the only one who caught a fish that night! We stayed til 5am because that was when the curfew for red P platers had ended. We all dead tired!
Me and Tommy got home at like.. 6. And slept at 7.30. Stayed up watching T.V.

On Saturday we woke up at 4pm and cruised around with Kevin! And then he bought up the idea of going fishing again. So we did! The same people came except for Phillip A, and Moo Moo because it was the night of UTOPIA! For all those who don't have a clue about what Utopia is, it's a rave. Raves for 16s and over, and people go there to enjoy the music/festival and take drugs, (lol) upstraight right? But however, that is true! Okay, back to my topic now.
We went to some place at Picnic point! And oh em gee, we went to the Maccas there, and everything was horrible! That included, the food, the customer service and the music. Why the music? Because it was on repeat, and that shitty song got stuck in my head!
But yeah, it was sooooo packed but the line didn't even move an inch within 15 minutes?
Everyone was getting annoyed, and Jimmy got angry. Oh, and there was no ice in the drinks and the chips were soggy! And fuck, the buns were like.. old school and saggy, and it didn't seem fresh :(
After that, we went to the place to fish and it was an epic fail! It was dark like shit, there was no fishes whatsoever, AND there were heaps of mozzies! So much mozzies that it managed to get into my trackies, and it bit my tattoo area part. I was afraid to scratch there just incase I was to damage my tattoo ! Yeah, so after awhile we left, and then went to Chipping Nortan. Although this time we didn't fish only because we couldn't be bothered to get the rods and shit ready!
We just parked the cars there, and talked. From talking about ghosts to aliens to sex to people. It was alright, lol. Nothing special though! My boyfriend decided to fish and so did Jimmy. Jimmy caught a lil teeny tiny fish, and chucked it back into the water since it was hopeless to keep. We all went home at about 5! Same time, I know.. =="
So like when me and my boyfriend got home we had to get ready for Canberra! (I KNOW RIGHT? WE'RE CRAZY PEOPLE FOR NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP AND THEN TRAVELLING THE PRESENT DAY) So yeah, we went to Canley because that was where the buses were.
It was a private family bus. And yeah, it was basically my boyfriend's aunts, cousins etc.
It was a long 4 hour trip, fell asleep for like an hour or so and couldn't take it because of the noise! When we got there.. our first stop was to some flower place. It was boring? Literally.
It bored the crap outta me, and there was nothing amusing about it! Didn't take much pictures because I looked the like a D-E-A-D fish! Ha. Afterwards we went to the Mint factory, too bad the money making machines were closed so we didn't get to see much! We saw old coins, and new coins and crap. I bought some stuff.
After that, we went to the Parliament house! BORING. Not much to see but portraits of people, lol! Our last stop before heading home was the War Memorial Musuem. 'Twas interesting! Also.. touching. I loved it. Only because I find myself very interested in History!
So yeah, we headed home and then after that went to eat at Canley Vale.

On Monday (today) went to Cabra to eat, and then met up with Moo Moo because he was purchasing his car! Yay. After that, cruised around for abit and now I'm home, got an interview with Centerlink in regards of my youth allowance. Fuck. I feel so sick at the moment, feel like vommitting and quite dizzy. Well, I'll post some pictures up as soon as I get hold of the camera. Ciao guys, hope you all are well. XOXO

Friday, November 20, 2009



Angry sky.

Wowzers, it was sooooo hot this morning! I slept with the air-con on, but then when I went outside for a lil bit the heat hit me so hard, I couldn't even breathe properly! Well guess what? It's raining now. Actually storming and pretty much close to hailing.. I like it when it hails at times, although it's scary...haha.

So it's about 2.50pm, and I'm doing nothing but sitting in bed, with the laptop on! I've been watching some of Michelle Phan's latest make-up tutorials, and I love it! Oh and of course her. She's so god damn talented/creative. Well, even though I'm not quite into dramatic looks, her tutorials really inspires others to step outside without feeling asthough they over did their look! Simply because its truly beautiful. For those who have no idea who I'm talking about, you guys should really check her out!
Okay, even though the photo is not taken professionally, I think that her make up is precisely professional. Her make up is like art! I absolutely love it. This is her Masquerade prom look! I'm in love with this look. It has this dramatic, intense look to it.

So like, guess what? I had just typed so much shit up and then had to copy, then delete it so that I could upload that photo up to show yall. But then, I couldn't paste the text back? Like what the freak. So you guys had just missed out on what I have to say! I cannot whatsoever be bothered to type it back up.
I hope everyone is safe, and well. Blog soon guys =)

New Moon = love.

NEW MOON ROCKED! It's literally my favourite movie of the year, cannot wait until Eclipse comes out. I know, long time from now to be considering it but I'm half way through the book; so far so good. I just love the concept of the story, even though there's obvious contents and predictions everything is just so darn good about it!
Although in New Moon, I got kind've fustrated because Bella told Jaob that she loved him, and then told him not to choose between him or Edward because she would choose Edward? Then duh, no need to tell someone you love them (AND YES IN THAT WAY) if you're not going to end up with them! Poor Jacob.. Well, if I were single then I'd have him. lol. Kidding! (If you're reading this babe, you're hotter than Jacob) HAHAHAHA..
And oh-em-gee.. Edward has a horrific body. He's so hairy, and his nipples are hugeeeeeee! Although on the other hand, Jacob Black's body was beautiful :)
Well, too much Twilight tisn't good for you, so I'm going to end it here and I'll be sure to blog tomorrow because I've got the laptop til then.

Hope everyone is well! Xoxo.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Woot woot!

Hey yall. I'm back! (for the mean time) lol. I'm using my boyfriend's sister's laptop at the moment, I think my mum is contemplating whether to change internet company! Woah, it feels good to finally blog again after how I was going to blog on my iPhone the other day, but I've got too much to say to actually do that!
So my last blog was about my anniversary right? Haha.. And my boyfriend's birthday was the next day? It turned out fine. He had some mates over to 'drink.' And I got along with them pretty well, I thought it would be awkward at first, but they're quite nice. Although Tommy didn't get completely 'smashed' I could tell that he was drunk because of his actions and the way he spoke! His words were all slurryyyy HAHA and he was showing his friend how to do all these UFC moves.
Ufc stands for.. Ultimate Fighting Challenge or someshit?? CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG PLEASE. But my boy loves watching it, and playing it :)

AND OH EM GEE.. I forgot to tell ya, the night before his birthday (on our anniversary day) we watched PARANORMAL ACTIVITY! I was shitting it at first, but after awhile, it got boring and stupid. I don't get why people speak about it like it's SO SCARY when it's not. It's so overrated! Especially the trailer.. LOL. I even watched it the next day, by myself. Only because I was slightly tipsy. I took a few shots with the birthday boy, and because me and his friends were playing so bottle cap game. Where we had to throw the bottle cap, and it had to hit the staircase, and then land on the ground. The cap that lands the furthest loses and has to skull half a bottle of beer! Eeeek. I really hate beer, but I haven't drank for so long now, and I guess it's fun to have a few drinks now and then. Although I don't get why people drink to get drunk on no special occasion? Lol? Stupid..
So the NEXT day, was a Saturday, and it was my two mate's birthday bash. Their names are Valery, and Terry (that rhymes) LOL. I wasn't planning to go at first but since I had nothing to do.. might as well you know? Tommy came along with me as well. Well first Jimmy (Tommy's close mate) called us to go hang with them for abit so we went to Vanrith's house (another friend of Tommy's) to chill for abit. We got hungry so we went to Hungry Jacks to buy food! Afterwards, we drove to pick up Kevin (my close buddy) and apparently it was Mc Happy day? So we went Maccas but I didn't get anything. Only Kevin did.. And apparently when you buy a Big Mac, $1 gets donated to charity. I mean, that's nice of them and all.. but every minute they're making a reasonable profit.. so shouldnt it be atleast half of how much the meal cost atleast?! STINGY MOTHERFUCKERS.
So yes.. afterwards we headed to the party, and it was pretty boring at first.. Well duhhh since it was still early, and everyone was just eating and chilling. He had a dance floor in the garage with rave lights and everything. It was so cool! So much smoke but, made me feel sick lol.
My friend Rofa, was there and asked me to have a shot with her.. So I did, because.. I don't know. I just wanted to I guess? And my boyfriend was outside hanging. So when he came back inside he smelt my mouth which had the scent of alcohol! He got angry at me.. ==" But it was something so small that should not be turned into a signifiant problem. I had told him, that because I'm so young I want to have fun and make the most out of everything! I guess he had a good think about it, and understood me.
We left the party early, and met up with Jimmy and Vanrith at KK'S (Kripsy Kremes) and we just sat there for abit. Got boring, so we went back to the party, lol! And afterwhile we decided to go somewhere else, and this time Phillip A (my best bud) came along with us. He wanted to go cruising. So we drove to David's house (Phillip's close bud) to pick him up even though he brang his car out. We went to Hj's (Hungry Jacks) and Jimmy was there. So we drov Jimmy home to drop his car home, but then we realized that there was nothing to do so we all decided to head home! My boyfriend's doing this thing where, everytime we go home.. he lets me drive. It's manual by the way. And I'm actually doing pretty good! I'm getting the hang of hill starting, gearing down, clutching properly, and balancing the clutch + accelartion! Loving it.
Hm.. What did we do that following Sunday.. Omg.. I don't remember!
WAIT. I think on Sunday night we went to watch 2012! That movie was pretty good although heaps of people said that it was shit and overrated. I think it was because they expected a better ending. I'm not going to spoil it for you guys.. But at the end, the world does not end. There will be ONE continent left where everyone sails too. Although the percentage of the population does decrease ><" I loved the movie, the graphics + sound effects was GREAT!!
On Monday, we didn't do much. Slept til 3pm in the arvo and the boys (Thai Uc, James, Richard, and Moo Moo) came over! So we decided to head out and do something. Although Richard went home. See what happens when everybody gets their P's? Things are so much more signifiant! Woah, this blog is turning into some sort of essay, SORRY lol.
So we drove to some park/lake/hang out spot in Milperra or something! THE WEATHER WAS SO BOILING MAN LIKE WAT THE HECK. We chilled for abit, and then Moo Moo had to return the car to his friend because he borrowed it. The house was somewhere in Hoxton by the country side.. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. The boys decided to swim in the pool whilst I was facebooking on the trampoline! I couldn't swim because I had my thingo. =="
After that, we went to Maccas, grabbed a bite and everyone decided to go home.
On Tuesday which is yesterday, me and the boyfriend decided to go and watch Time traveller's wife. OH GOD.. IT WAS BORING. The storyline seemed good, but the whole content of the movie was cliche I tell ya! I'm more into action/crime+investigation/horror. No more lovey dovey movies for me.. Especially in theatres --"
I really want to watch THE BOX. Seems so good! Yall should check out the trailer.
ANYWAY.. TODAY.. We're not planning to do anything I think. Well, talk to you all soon! Here are some pictures. :)


Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hi guys, so I'm on my iPhone at the moment. But just to let y'all know I won't be blogging for awhile because my net's down. But I'll be sure to come back and update you guys with everything! Ciao.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1 year, & 1 month.

So it's our 'anniversary' today, lol. Yes, we're quite traditional when it comes to the whole couples thing. But, I like it. Although we remember it, we don't really celebrate it! Only because nothing's more special than having eachother's company. :)
He's working today, and I stayed over his place! So I'm just going to have to wait for him to come home, and oh em gee his birthday is tomorrow!

Okay, so knowing me.. songs tend to get stuck in my head quite often. So I'ma start a 'song of the day' kinda thing so you guys can call me losers, then download the song and then it'll get stuck in your head. =P


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Love them catch ups.

Oots oots, caught up with the beautiful girlies today; Melissa, Monica and Eva.

I didn't even know Eva was coming, but she's a cool girl.

So today, we were supposed to go Rise cafe? But instead we went to MY THUAN (I KNOW RIGHT LIKE WTF) only because my other friend, James was going to come out and hang with me for abit but he came when the girls came.. And I didn't want to dog him like that. But then afterwards the boys came, lol..

We bloody went 'LUVO-CRAZY' from the toilets to the STREETS! Yayer. New pictures, hehe.

I gotta admit, my iPhone is really clear, and I love it. But the shit thing is that, you can't take luvos becaus the button to take the photo is on the

Anyway, I'll blog later tonight guys.

Peace out yo. xoxo

Shit me dead.

Okay, 4.02am and still awake. That's some gangster shit going on there, lol. Even though I slept at 6am this morning and woke up at 1. This explains my lack of knowledge AND lol, bad skin!
Okay, I really need to set some short/intermediate goals for now and see how everything goes. And I fail to accomplish them, yall can smack me all you like. (Not physically though!)
Starting from tomorrow I will..

  • Call up TAFE. Like I mentioned before, it's either Liverpool or Wetherill Pk.
  • Go Centrelink and get everything done, and claim for my payment whether it's youth allowance or whatever!
  • ... Save up for a freaking car.

If I accomplish these goals, I've been one happy duckling! So hopefully, I'll finish what I started off.


So here's that pancake photo that I've been meaning to post up ever since that 'have friends over for dinner' thing.

Credits go to Ricky and Tommy, and oh was those pancakes mouthwatering/sweet!

La la la la land.

..So Case 39 was a pretty good movie, scared the shits out of me. Stupid pop ups, and sound effects. Although it didn't scare my boyfriend one bit, I asked him.. "Babe, aren't you scared?"
And he replies, "No, only when you scream then I get scared."
HAHA! Oh jeez..
So tomorrow, I'm going to call up either Liverpool TAFE or Wetheril. I'm so stupid for not enrolling into Ultimo. Didn't have the time to get there before applications were closed, fuck.
And yeah, tomorrow I'm also going to be catching up with Mel, and Monica at M.T (gosh)
don't even know why we're going to be at that place, but I guess cause it's local and more convienent to grab a bite and catch up. I love catch ups! You get to hear some interesting gossips, hehe.
So anyway yall. Blog tomorrow or something, see ya.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh crap.

Yes, I'm back again. And I'm stressing really badly. My boyfriend's birthday is coming up in 3 days! And our anniversary is in 2 days. I don't know what to to gift him! Well, he wanted a CD deck for his car, so probably that OR Dvd player? Neh..I don't really know. This is so fucking hard!! Although he says he doesn't expect a present. Of course everyone says that, but I really want to get him one. Last year I got him a Wii and perfume.. Now this year.. IM BLANKED OUT LOL.

Cheap bitch.

Fuck, just woke up after a really bad dream! I won't tell you what my dream was about, but I could tell you that it was relevant to what has been annoying me for the past month.
Gosh.. I don't understand why girls could be so fucken stupid, and disrespectful to themselves and others! But enough. I'm not going to waste my time ranting on *HER when I've got better shit to do than deal with her. It's just when I see her, I wanna slap her.. Yeah, yeah.. Violence doesn't solve anything.. BUT it does release anger, and stress! Oh well.. Just waiting for her to do any other stupid moves, then she'll get it. FOR SURE!! (AND YES IT'S A THREAT IF YOU'RE READING THIS HOE)

ANYWAY, GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL PEERS! Had a rocky sleep due to sleeping at 6am! What was I doing may you ask? One work = FACEBOOK. lol. I am so addicted to this network shit.. Even my boyfriend knows so! Disorder calling's my name..haha.
Well my boyfriend's mum asked me if I wanted to go to the Apple store at Burwood with her and my bf's sister. I might go since I own a stupid iPhone now, see if there's anything to buy. Maybe a phone cover.. BUT FAR OUT MAN I've got my stupid periods, and my tummy hurts :(
STUPID STUPID STUPID! Sucks being a girl sometimes.. *sigh
Well the boy is at work today, and I'm waiting for him to come home so we can watch Case 39 or the time traveller's wife. YAY!
hehe. Keep u updated soon.


Where you are, I'll be there.

So, it's about 3:26am and yes I'm still wide awake which might not be a surprise for you guys, but I've really been sleeping at 12-1. Anyway, back to what I was saying..
I was laying in bed flicking through old photos until my mind stumbled across.. school. And then, peers, and then the group. And I thought to myself, wow.. We've been through heaps, we've all gone stronger as individuals. By say that, you must be wondering.. Uh.. Individuals? Don't you mean the whole group itself? lol. Well, there has been complications in the past that cannot be brought back up now. Why? Not because no-one bothers.. It's because somethings are better off broken, then trying to fix it resolving nothing. But it's nobody's blame.. Because, as young adults we all go through these obstacles, and maybe later on in the future things will unravel itself.
But I can say one thing.. I really do miss the old days! And to be fair, I've been a lil M.I.A from the girls.. I'm not quite sure why? I guess mainly it's because I don't go to school anymore, and I'm with my boyfriend most times because I'm used to being with him daily since he doesn't work, and we've both got time on our hands. ARGHH.. This whole thing is stressing me out when it comes to friends, boyfriend, family, education, future.. I don't even know what to do with my life anymore! (Sorry for skipping subjects all the time) lol, but it's true. I've been so lost, and out of it lately that my mind has just completely shutted down on me.
It feels asthough, this is all up to me. I mean, it always has been from the start.. But my life feels so independant since I don't go to school anymore. I really want to get things back on track for the sake of myself, and my parents but I just don't know where to start!
I'm the type that set goals.. but never achieve them or atleast strive to be honest. I've kept in mind sooooo many goals I've wanted to accomplish but never even proceeded after having thoughts about it. I've got such a bad habbit that I want to get rid off. I guess motivation isn't available here! Yes.. My boyfriend, friends bla bla bla are supposed to be your motivation, but to come to think of it, it's all up to you in the end. If you're determin to make it happen? I don't blame anyone for this, because EVERYONE has been a major support towards me, but I've been slacking off heaps..

The other thing is that, it seems asthough I never make my parents happy. Lol. As weird as it sounds, and as much as I try to.. They never seem "satisfied" with my accomplishments whether it's minor or major. Like for example, awhile ago when I was "FOCUSED" in school, lol.. I was at the TOP of my english class, coming first for the whole year. But my mum would always be like, you need to try to get 100%! Like, I know she wants me to be the BEST or be better.. but how does she expect somebody to be so perfect? Oh, and that's not it.. My mum is by far the worst critic, and honest person you'll ever meet. TOO HONEST to be exact. Although, she's a great, strong woman who would do anything just to make her kids happy.. I love her so much, and of course respect her. But we always end up arguing only because we always have disagreements..
She'd want something, and I'd want the other thing. We're like sister's sometimes? haha..

BUT YEAH.. I guess I'm gonna give another shot on the whole 'achieving goals' thing, and I'll let yall know if I've accomplished any, in the long term of course. Oh my.. releasing my words on this is great! Haha, I love it.

Well, I'mma try to sleep now lol. Nighty night xoxo tc.

Monday, November 9, 2009

All smiles here.

So.. Things have been pretty 'alright' for me. My lil brother has gained his energy back from resting in the hospital + home, and my lil sister has gone cuter than ever! Hehe.
Not much has been happening, just hanging around, and home.
Planning to go see a movie tomorrow with my favourite boy, yeee. We used to visit the theater alot, but don't know what's been happening! Maybe because we've been downloading movies, lol.
Anyway, I'll bloggggggg laterrrrrr.

SEE YA. Have a great week people, and please keep smiling.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

1 2 3 4, you're the biggest whore! 5,6,7,8 you use a banana to masterbate?

I swear, he always sleeps til 4 in the arvo or something, and full makes me wait for him..

Sunday's R fked.


So I've been thinking, I really need to start doing something with my life. I've been bumming for about 4 months now! Life is harder without school, but I don't regret it at all.
When people tell me that I'm going to doubt everything, I don't care really! Because at the end of the day, it's my decision(s) and I'm totally satisfied!
Well.. I'm thinking apply for TAFE, find a job and then yeah continue on from there.
I can do it!!

Anyway, today's a Sunday and usually Sunday's are the most boringest day of the week!! WHICH IS TRUE.
Well, enough blogging for me. I'll be sure to come back later on or tomorrow.

HAPPY 7/11! (lol)

My favourite!

Tommy the asshole, and me. =P

Hi to all!

So today was an average day, although we didn't do much lol. I was suppose to go to My Trang's sister's 21st birthday bash but I didn't feel like going at all. I'm not sure why though..
So instead, we went cruising all the way to the City, then Bondi.
Before that, I was eating with my boyfriend and Moo Moo and My Thuan, then we went to Chipping Nortan to chill for abit. I took some really nice sunset photos on my boyfriend's phone!
Today's 7/11 day so therefore at seven eleven they gave our FREE slurpees, LOL.
Me and my boyfriend and Moo Moo drove around looking for a 711 at Fairfield because we forgot where it was. WE'RE BOTHERED CUNTS EH!
Yeahhhhhh.. So now, I'm sitting here trying to rush things because I lost in a game of black jack with my boyfriend, and his deal was that if I lost, than I would have to sit on the bed doing nothing but stare at the blank T.V.. But he felt sorry for me so he let me blog quicky, LOL.
Anyway, here are the pictures yo!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

im too good at taking shit

so yeah my boyfriend just woke up, and he's a lil pissed off for some unusual reason. and all he wants to do is fucken go out.. We've been going out sooo much for the past week..
hm.. and when we do go out. It's never only us two. Always with a friend, or FRIENDS. Im not saying there's anything wrong with that, I just wish that.. ARGH NEVERMIND. He wouldn't even read this to consider anything. fuck that!

Old school yo!

Oh my god. So I plugged in my USB and I found all these 'old' pictures. CHECK THEM OUT!

Gloomy weather calls for cuddles in bed

Crap, I realized that I haven't been posting any photos up. WELL reason being is because I'm not like a massive 'freak' at blogging. In other words, I don't take photos of everything I do, everywhere I go or everything I eat (no offense) LOL!
So today, was such a long boring day.. We didn't do anything besides, eat, drive, eat, drive.
We ate at bloody My Thuan again, but this time we went with my boyfriend's friends.
And Jimmy the idiot popped out a bone from his knee because he was being a silly boy, and then fell backwards, LOL. But it was HILARIOUS at the time, although we felt slack because we kept on laughing whilst he was in serious pain HAHA but it WASSSS so funny!!
Hm.. I think that's all I've got to blog about really. If i've got anything else to blog about then I'll blog again. It's now raining at the moment.. How shitty :(

Well, goodbye folks. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

One of 'them' days..

Okay, I'm back. Felt like blogging about memories just for the sake of boredom.
I was just reminiscing about 'primary' days, when things were once considered insignificant to us, and we were just young kids living life with no responsibilities!
Time has gone by so quickly, yet we don't even realized because we spend too much time hoping for a better future that we don't even have time to remember the old days! I remember back then when best friends were so tacky. We chose whoever, and we'd fight most of the times!
But one of my best girlies who has been closes to be ever since primary is Kelly Phuong!
We've been friends for god knows how long, and yet we're still close because of this special bond we've got. That girl will always be the other half of my heart no matter what! <3.
Oh em gee, so.. When I was a kid, my mum used to make me finish off my dinner no matter what!
She says it's a sin, since there are alot of people who aren't wealthy, and who don't have food.
She'd never let me chuck away my food.. And if I did, I'd either get yelled at really badly, smacked or she'll back me kneel on my knees for about half an hour to an hour!
Oh my god was that hell or what. LOL. But thinking back, that was seriously funny..
I remember I had crushes on certain people whom I'm still friends with today. Although I won't mention any name(s) hehe. Gosh, that "butterfly" feeling was really overwhelming for some reason.. And how I'd use to write their name on my books, bag, diary all that shit!
There was a time how, I'd used my home phone to call that person and (before I had even gotten a mobile phone) I had left a paper with his number next to the phone with his name on it.
My step-dad got angry and was like, "WHY ARE YOU CALLING BOYS?" HAHA..
Choi, was that insane or what! Now when I think about it, my boyfriend sleeps over my place IN MY ROOM and my parents don't even give a fat fuck. Only because they love him..:)

Gosh, although thinking about child hood makes me miss it, there were times when life was such a misery. That I was going through phases where a child shouldn't be going through!
Although life was abit complicated back then, I cherish my life a million times more because I've got such wonderful friends around me that'll support me 100% and I'm thankful for that!
Sometimes I wish life would go on forever, that we could live forever and go older AND older to see everything change. But that'll never happen! Gee, when I think about death I get so scared.. I know, who wouldn't right? BUT who knows when your last day is!! That's why I am trying to make the most out of everything because it seems asthough death is getting closer & closer as we're getting older..
Ah, I'm always thinking about why be with someone when it's going to end? Or why life when you're going to die? But even though the results are death.. our memories will remain forever. And hopefully it'll pass on to our children, and our children's childrens! Lol.
Ok, this blog is really long. IM DONE NOW.


Thursday, November 5, 2009


And for all those who don't know the song, it's flashlight by Darren styles.

So, I felt like blogging (again) because I'm so bloody bored, and retarded. I feel high, and awakened since I just had a mocha from KKs. Mmm..
Today has been a long, boring day. Did nothing but stayed at my boyfriend's house playing around with my iPhone and catching up on Cafe world. Dam, everyone has overtaken me in the game!
I used to be.. top shit. HAHAHA..kidding.
Yeah, I really want to watch Case 39, The Time Traveller's wife, and Paranormal Activity. OH, and Michael Jackson; This is it <3.
Well, I'll blog tomorrow because.. I like to eat cheese?


I'm the biggest idiot ever?

This whole time I thought yesterday was Thursday and today was Friday! Omgwtf.

Just like a flash light, like a flash light (8)

Oh golly gosh! That song has been stuck in my head since the time I woke up. Weird?
Anyway, I really need a job. I've been bumming like this for too long, waking up in the arvo and always eating my parents money. I know they get annoyed, but what can they do, right?
But like.. where the fuck can I get one, jeez.
Well, I'm not doing anything at the moment besides, catching up on cafe world, and facebooking like always. I've got the facebook disorder and I'm loving it! Hehe.
It's a Friday night (YAY) hope we go somewhere exciting tonight, perhaps the beach again so I can swiimmmmmm...
Thats all I'ma type today folks. Cheers.

XOXO kimberly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

Gosh, I was just reading that blog that I just posted, and there's alot of mistakes in it! Left some words out and shit too.. I need my education back, HAHA..


Hi guys!

It has been a long three days, or what is two? Well yeah, reason being was because I didn't have the internet at home which I stated in my other blog because my laptop is getting fixed.
Well, not much has been happening except for my poor little brother Anthony who burnt himself with boiling water after eating noodles :(
He stayed at the hospital for about 2 days, and had just returned home today.. I wouldn't say it's VERY bad, but it is bad because he's in a lot of pain, but he's one brave boy.. Although it'll leave a scar for life!
And my boyfriend the fag passed for his license test! After lagging it for how long, and failed once he finally got ahold of his red P's. It feels so different now because we now no longer have to walk to places, lol.
I'm staying over my boyfriend's house tonight since he's been staying over my place for the last two days.
OMG.. Last night.. was so fucken FREAKY!!! I was sleeping in the living room because I was watching T.V and my fucking front door (outta nowhere) opened up, and slammed!!!! I was shitting it, which made me cry and I was shaking so bad. So I quickly called up my boyfriend and told him what happened. Being the supportive boyfriend he is, he came over my place, placed me into his arms and made me fell asleep. I love him so much..
Hm.. I think that's all for now. Update yall soon.
Have a great week everyone.

XOXO Kimoyyy. ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bitches, gangers, tb's, hardcunts.

Ok, so I was just facebooking like how normal people would and I stumbled across this page. I'm not going to mention this person's name. And I thought to myself..Gosh, she's like 19 and she still type 'lYk diSh!!'
Um.. Like what the fuck dude? Doesn't she feel embarrassed. I mean, c'mon even my younger brother is better in literacy than she is. Although this blog isn't going to be only about 'her.'
Lol, she wished it was. It's going to be based on TEENY BOPPERS, HARD CUNTS, BITCHES, AND GANGERS.

So, first rant, teeny boppers:

They are the most fucking annoying group of people in the whole world.
So I admit, we all had our days but this new 'generation' has brought the word teenagers to a whole different level. What the hell is with ugly asian blonde hairs being dyed un-evenly, and boob tubes with shorts being worn to somewhere as general as Cabramatta.
You see them almost everywhere at Cabramatta. Well, for me.. I hate tb's. I'd love to kick them in the face, but that's just plain mean because in time, they'll grow outta it eventually.
I hate the way they type, write and talk. Every sentence they speak has to be involved with a 'FUCK' or an ' AND SHIT ' if you get me. Like, swearing is bad enough if someone uses when it is appropriate, although swearing isn't appropriate. But to have young people swear every 3 seconds is seriously annoying.
I hate seeing them walk in a huge group passing through shops, mucking around, being rude to old people. I hate seeing them hanging at the station. I HATE THEM IN GENERAL.

Second rant, bitches.

So, I don't get why some people can't be nice, nor have respect for others.
It's either they've got issues with themselves OR they're just plain nasty.
I know, you'd probably think.. Oh how ironic of her to blog this when she had admit that she's a bitch herself. But I'm talking about bitches. PEOPLE WHO AREN'T NICE AT ALL.
They think they're so 'cool' because they've got body's covered in tatttoos.. oh jeez, relax a little.

Third rant, gangers.

For some reason, there are alot of these girls around. This topic here gets me started man! They fucking piss me off.. Seeing these young girls out on the streets with their tits popping out and there jeans as tight as my grandma's underwear. HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT FOR YOURSELFS.
If you won't, then who will!!! Don't expect people to respect ya.
It's also a huge piss off to see these animal's facebook with their shirt tied up, and their trying to stick their booty out. Like, whats your purpose mate? Who the fuck would want to look at a 14 year old. And to all those who actually like it. YOU GUYS ARE SICK.
And when I say gangers I don't mean, young girls. This goes out to older girls as well..
There are so many of them, and it makes me sick.
It's especially gross when yu see girls who bloody put TONS & TONS & TONS of make up on? Cake face much? Gosh that's disgusting.

Fourth rant, hardcunts:

OOOHHH.. I love this topic. Funny cause, there are so many guys out there who can relate to this title, RIGHT? And don't be living in denial because we all know you guys are.
Funny how they speak about how easy it is to smash people because they're got gangster friends, whose got guns? Um. nigga relax.
Its funny how they take photos of themselves spreading 500 bills out, is that mummy's money to pay rent?
Seriously.. I hate those guys. Just wanna get a hammer and smash their faces in, so they could wake up the fuck up LOL.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to type anymore. But if i've got more shit to type down then for sure I'll be back, cause I'm black. Okay, lame. CIAO.

Australia's heading to hell.

Golly gosh, must it be this hot? I know I shouldn't be complaining because sun is better than no sun but c'mon it's boiling out there. I'm not even outside and I can fill this humid heat.
I left the air con on all night, so therefore I don't wanna turn it on again, lol..
And my friend's called to ask to me to go Pools.. But neh, it's too hot! I hate the feeling of after pools. When it gets dark, cold and you get fully hungry.
So anyway, I hate Mondays so nothing's special about today..
I think I'll blog later on tonight if i've got anything to propose about.



Okay, that's abit lame but I just thought about my boyfriend's birthday and realized that it's coming up in about 2 weeks time, which means shopping time!
I really don't know what to get him. Although there are alot of ideas, and there's heaps of things that I know he desires.. I just want to get him something that is 'meaningful.'
I was thinking a photo album with all our pictures, or maybe.. I'll get him a DVD/CD player for his car, and a car part that he wants for his car. I'll see what'll happen.
I don't think it's neccersary to take him anywhere special? Aslong as he's with me, and his family and close friends than it's all good, right? Like I said, we've discussed our relationship and it isn't based upon gifts. Once in awhile is good I guess, but spoiling isn't neccerssary at all.. Welll.. NOT YET that is, LOL.
Anyway, I'm so bored, and it's fully tabully hot at the moment even though the air con's on, sheesh. Well good bye people.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy halloween to all!

Spot anything from far behind? =P

Mel and I.

Steph, Me and Mel.

Hey, hey!!

My weekend turned out to be great, and my concerns about not having a costume was released after a last minute idea, lol. Well, on Saturday I was just facebooking and then the random idea of dressing up as the grudge/ghost/zombie or whatever popped into my head. Although I had the idea of being the grudge in the beginning I just didn't want to dress up as her because it was TOO scary even though the occasion is scary, and that's based on horrific looks, etc.
So yep, I basically just took a shower didn't even dry my hair and went to Mel's house to get ready.
I had this white dress that my boyfriend's mum gave to me earlier, and it could pass a the dress the grudge wore in the film (y)
My look was SCARY, HORRIFYING, FRIGHTENING.. All in the contents of scary I guess, hehe.
Although I loved it! Why bother dressing up as a nurse, cheerleader, etc.. Like what the fuck people, it's Halloween, not slut festival.
The party was pretty good since everybody made an effort to dress up!
Mel was a zombie bride, she looked hottt.
And OMG, surprisingly Fiona Ho came to the party after not seeing her for a decade or so, LOL. Okay, maybe not that long but you know what I mean, right. Feels good to re-unite with your mates again. :)
Although there was one person who missed out, was being missed. And that was Trang Nguyen. Reason being was because she was at a Beach house thingy with her cousins, and Uckie which is still mad!!!! I'd love to go.
So now, I just came back from a lil cruise with the boys, and I'm bored so decided to blog since I haven't yet.
I'll blog tomorrow, and the day after!!

XOXO kimmoy. Have a great week guys, MWA!