Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekends, YAY.

Hello, hello.

Gosh, life is boring! I really need to go out and do something fun.
I need to get a job. Remember how I said I went job hunting? Well all that for no fucking reason, like what the eff. NONE have called me back yet.. What a waste of time, but I hope they'll call me to fill in Christmas casualties. I wouldn't mind working during holidays aslong as I get cash and it doesn't interfer with my outings than it's all good in D hood :)

So today all I did was bloody lay in bed finished off my O.C (which isn't finished yet) and munched on food. Gosh I bet i put on atleast 5kg HAHAHAHAHA. But I don't mind, fat is the new cute :)

Ah.. Well that's it for today, blog tomorrow or something. GOOD NIGHT PEOPLE.

xoxo kimoy

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