Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So, according to the laptop it's now 4.52am and I'm still wide awake browsing around facebook and the net in general like a loser. Why? Because I can't sleep! Maybe from all this excitment for the Akon concert tomorrow or maybe I'm just an internet junkie. Well who freaking knows. I'm going to blog and then hit the shits afterwards! My head's messed up, for a second there I forgot how to spell 'afterwards' lol.
FUCK.. I've got the song Tik Tok - Ke$ha in my head and it's bloody annoying. HAHA omg.
Anyway, so what did I do today? Basically slept at 8 in the morning! I know right, I'm such a freak. Cause I was up watching Heros with zee boyfriend. Then woke up at 1 and had to go to the City to do some enrollment things for my boyfriend's friend. Going to the City with 3 people is not so fun. I used to be so excited to go to the city, but i've been going for like.. 1 time every 2 days.
So yeah, we starved ourselves until 4pm trying to look for parking. Well there was parking but we were being cheap cunts driving around hoping to find small spaces for us to squeeze in since the car is small. BUT FASSSTTT..lol.
So I had a kebab for brunch and I hated the smell! I have no idea why but for some reason the kebab smelt off..
After that, we decided to head home since we all were tired and lazy. OH I forgot to say that Ultimo has my course that I wanna do. (YOUTH WORK) WOOOTTTTTT. I was so bloody happy!!
Well yeah.. It was a long drive home for some reason and I was so tired.. And the weather made it worse since it was all gloomy.
Hahaha.. Yeah that's all I guess. AKON TOMORROW YAYYYY im so EXCITED.
So I'll blog tomorrow followed by the concert pictures. BYE BITCHES

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