Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The inner child in me, wants to come out and play.

Hey guys!

So today was quite an interesting day. Despite the fact that I didn't do much. So started off the day with going for brunch at Cabramatta, and then walked home (how fun ==") but I'm not blogging about that!

We got home and me and my boyfriend was really bored, he suggested that he should put make up on my face. I imediately said no, but there were many times when he had let me to that to him, so to be fair and squared, I let him do it. HE DIDNT EVEN MAKE UP MY FACE, HE BLOODY DREW ALL OVER IT WITH BLACK AND WHITE EYE LINER. I have a photo, I'll post it up to you soon.

And then I got mad.. So I started putting make up on him, and dear did he look like a drag queen, but a cute one of course. Hahaha.. We were acting so childish, but I absolutely loved it. Like they say,
" happiness itself does not stay - only moments of happiness do."

After that, we felt like taking a bath so we did! With our panties on of course! Hehe. It was so fun because we were doing the things that as a child we all used to. We made bubbles, splashed water at eachother etc. Haha..
Well.. Anyway, now I'm sitting here with my hair still wet and the air-con on as today's weather was so hot. But I loved it. I don't know why people complain about the weather all the time! I mean, when it's raining they complain about not being able to go out, then when it's hot they complain about not being able to go out also. Why expect such a perfect weather? Embrace what you get, lol.
My friends went to the pools yesterday but I couldn't go because I had what they call "trouble" every month.
Another friend suggested that we give the beach a visit on the weekends which will be great! I'm looking forward to it.
Hm.. Melissa's halloween party is coming up, and I am terribly excited along with the Akon ft. T-pain concert that we'll be attending, YAY. I'll post some pictures up. But for now, take care yall.

xoxo kimoy

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