Saturday, October 24, 2009

Trip around the world!

Uckie the cutie, lol.

Loving the scenary!

My cutie :)

Side dish to go with the congee?

congee with "black" eggs, gosh!

Well what a good night it was tonight. Went to the city with my boyfriend, Jimmy, Phillippe, Phillip A, David, Thai Uc, Steven and Bianca. Our only plan was to head up to the City and fool around. No, not fool around like teeny bopper style. But went around to buy food, eat etc. We went to Superbowl and had congee, yumm. But this one didn't taste as nice, and why the hell do they have black eggs? How racist!! Hahahaha..
After that we walked around for abit, went to Capitals (no, not to take photos) but to try to get those bears. My boyfriend won 1 after spending 10 bucks!! Lol. So not worth it..
Well afterwards, we went to Bondi beach, woot. Hang there for about 15 minutes HAHA and then went to TEMPE park. Omg, that park was so huge and fun!! I loved it.
There was this spinning chair thing that made me totally sick, and there was a flying fox thingo!
After that we went to um.. Some kebab place, it tasted nice. And so, afterwards we headed back home! Oh yeah, at the City there was this lady who looked really scary. Had dark eyeliner and heaps of lip stick on, and yeah she was asian. She asked for 1 dollar and I gave it to her. We only had 50 cents, and then she asked for another.. lol. Then my friend told me that, that was the lady who was always at Cabra before.. I feel sorry for her, I mean doesn't she have any kids?? *sigh..
Anyway, i'm gonna go to bed now. WAIT.. after I play around with my cafe world first HAHA.

xoxo Kimoy.

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