Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sometimes forgetting about things help you take a step through life faster.

Hey guys.

It's about 2.22am and I felt like blogging for some reason since I haven't blogged for a few days now! I'm also gonna re-touch my page up, and change it around all for the sake of boredom.
So what did I do today? Nothing really (like always) waited for my boyfriend to finish work so we could head out because I wanted to do something.
So.. He came home and I got really excited as my boyfriend's friend bought a new car (s13) and I was really keen to drive it since it's the brand of my favorite car! Lol. Oh boy did I enjoy it, although I don't really drive manual properly it was still all worth it! I WANT AN S15 NOW!!
So like, we then switched to my boyfriend's car because we were planning to go to the City.
I know, it's a Monday night, who the hell goes to the City? I do!
We went to pick up Trang, and off we went. We didn't do much, walked around for abit like idiots and then went to capital! Jimmy won two bears, and we tried to get others but didn't succeed. Then we wanted to go home. I KNOW! CITY FOR BEARS? LOL WHAT THE FUCK..
Hahaha.. Well, that's all I'm gonna type for now, my hands are getting tired.
Good bye folks xxx.

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