Saturday, October 31, 2009

Late night outings at the beach + Kebabs + friends = sleep at 8 in the morning.


Haven't blogged since Wednesday! Apoligies, because I've been at home lately and my mumma took the laptop to fix since my keypad is effed. So that means.. NO NET.
So what have I been doing for the past three days? BEACH. We'd literally leave our area at 11pm and get to the beach at 1am or so. HAHA.. But it's quite fun! And I've been eating kebabs for like 3 days in a row now. Actually make that 4..=="
So my mum gifted me with an iPhone! I was so excited to use it since I've been using some old chatty Nokia phone since I've dropped my LG cookie in the toilet bowel at Melissa's house, lol.
BUT.. Since I jailbroke my phone, I tried to upgrade some program from iTunes, and i locked my freaking sim/phone.. I DON'T KNOW?? And then my boyfriend's sister jailbroke it again, and it worked although since my sim is Optus, it didn't work on it, but because we purchased the phone from a Telstra store, it works. So therefore I have to take it to the shops an unblock it again even though my mum already did it in the first place! What a freaking hassle.
So today's my boyfriend's dad's birthday, we went to have Thai food. YUMMMYYYY...
Sadly, the only thing I ate was Paupau salad cause I can't eat the other "weird" food.
Well anyways, its 5am and im so fucking tired. Mel's halloween party is tomorow and I don't even have a costume.. Hopefully I'll go shops tomorrow and figure something out? Not quite sure yet. Well, off to bed now. GOODBYE :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009






Before the show.

Melissa and me.


Everything went well! Well, besides a few complications:

1. We didn't have a camera. Why did my camera have to get stolen for? =.="
2. We didn't realize that our seatings were assigned far away from each, although we did up sitting with eachother.
3. We lined up at the wrong freaking line!! Lol.

But yeah, great start to my "first" concert. I remember my friend asking me to go to the B.E.P concert, but I said no. Then I told her & him that I would definitely go if Akon came, and BAMM he did! It's like he heard my wish, hehe. I went with my bestie, MELISSA LE.

So anyway, back to the topic. I woke up at around 1.. and got ready to go to Mel's house. We were supposed to do our eyebrows but she did it first, and I didn't want to do it anymore. So I went to her house, and we were calling people to ask if we could borrow their camera, although nobody had a camera!! So we got ready, etc. Cause my boyfriend was full rushing us cause he had to go buy his stuff at MSY?
Yeah, on the way there we stopped at KFC cause I was so hungry. I was a pig last night!! Lol.
When we got there, my jaw dropped because of the excitement and because of the que outside. So we lined up for about 40 minutes then when we finally got inside to scam our tickets, the machine didn't let us through and the lady informed us that we were at the wrong fucking door. So we ran to the other side, and nobody was even lining up. Basically we just had to scam our tickets and go in! Geez. I had a tummy ache while standing as well. THE THINGS WE WOULD DO FOR AKON.
So yeah, we were fully worried about our tickets because she was in section I door 10. And I was in section E door 9. But we just sat down on Mel's section first, until some couple came and asked for their seats. THIS WAS WHEN I WAS REALLY PANICING. =="
I had to go back to my seating and dragged Mel with me. Everything was going fine until some lady came, and wanted her seat! So then we moved out, and then planned everything out. Mel told me to go back to my seat and if I saw 2 free seats then I call her.
So I was looking around, waiting having no fun for about 15 minutes until the chick next to me had told me to go to Mel since everyone will be standing up, and nobody would notice. So I did that! I was bloody happy. Everything was going well until that man saw me and told me to go back. But I explained everything to him and he was being so generous. He let me stay there but if I see his supervisor than I would HAVE to hide etc.
Gosh.. Lucky me!
T-pain was cool! He made some pretty inspiring quotes, and his shirt which said 'It's all fun and games until somebody dies' was cool! Akon didn't come out until bloody 10.30PM. Like what the hell? Overall everything went great. The songs were hectic! Can't believe he sung 'We don't care' BEST SONG EVER. WELL HERE ARE SOME PICTURES. BYE GUYS

When someone asks you, "Do you even know what ur gonna do with ur life?"
You answer, "I know what I wanna do, whatever the FUCK I wanna do" - T-PAIN

xoxo Kimoy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Just decided to blog since I'm waiting for my lovely boyfriend to take a shower. AND I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THE CONCERT!! I shouldn't be too excited just incase the concert ends up being dud! But that won't happen cause it's AKON ;D
Well, I'm going to go out to Cabra and meet up with Mel to do our eyebrows, yippeee. Well she already did hers, so I'm just going to quickly do mine. Go back to her place, get ready then goooo to the concert, yayer player!
Anyway, catcha laters babes.

xoxo kimoy.


So, according to the laptop it's now 4.52am and I'm still wide awake browsing around facebook and the net in general like a loser. Why? Because I can't sleep! Maybe from all this excitment for the Akon concert tomorrow or maybe I'm just an internet junkie. Well who freaking knows. I'm going to blog and then hit the shits afterwards! My head's messed up, for a second there I forgot how to spell 'afterwards' lol.
FUCK.. I've got the song Tik Tok - Ke$ha in my head and it's bloody annoying. HAHA omg.
Anyway, so what did I do today? Basically slept at 8 in the morning! I know right, I'm such a freak. Cause I was up watching Heros with zee boyfriend. Then woke up at 1 and had to go to the City to do some enrollment things for my boyfriend's friend. Going to the City with 3 people is not so fun. I used to be so excited to go to the city, but i've been going for like.. 1 time every 2 days.
So yeah, we starved ourselves until 4pm trying to look for parking. Well there was parking but we were being cheap cunts driving around hoping to find small spaces for us to squeeze in since the car is small. BUT
So I had a kebab for brunch and I hated the smell! I have no idea why but for some reason the kebab smelt off..
After that, we decided to head home since we all were tired and lazy. OH I forgot to say that Ultimo has my course that I wanna do. (YOUTH WORK) WOOOTTTTTT. I was so bloody happy!!
Well yeah.. It was a long drive home for some reason and I was so tired.. And the weather made it worse since it was all gloomy.
Hahaha.. Yeah that's all I guess. AKON TOMORROW YAYYYY im so EXCITED.
So I'll blog tomorrow followed by the concert pictures. BYE BITCHES

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vampire me! Great for the 'Halloween Occasion'

So yall must be wondering, "what the hell is she on about?" Haha.. Well I was referring out to my late night bed times, and inconsiderate afternoon wake ups. I know, no life right? Haha. Well I'm going to the City tomorrow to enroll for tafe with the boyfriend, so hope all that goes well :D
Apoligies for not blogging yesterday, because I came home late and was real tired, etc.
Was going to blog this morning but didn't really feel like it!
Haha. So it's 5.31AM and since I've been up all night youtubing weird random things, i decided to take a shower. HAHA..
Anyway, what happened on Saturday? Well.. My friend was having a BBQ at his new place, and some of my mates were considering of going.. I was still contemplating whether to go since the address was unknown and I didn't have a lift there whereas my other friends wanted to go and watch SAW 6! MADDDDD SHIIITT.. I was being so indecisive saying im gonna go to the bbq then mind knowing me, i wouldn't be surprised.
Anyway, the friends that wanted to go watch the movie was 'disapointed' in me since I said YES in the first place and then backed out.. SORRRYYYY GOSH. lol. After that I didnt want to be mean, and dog them so I came up with an idea that we all go to Woolies and buy ingredients to have dinner at my boy's place. Which worked out perfectly! I totally loved it, a night filled with joy + laughters + stories! All them random things..
We had steak, cheaps, steamed vegies and chicken snitzels (is that how u spell it?) on the menu. AND for dessert (I know, how fancy and totally un-necersary, right?) we had pancakes with vanilla ice-cream and strawberrrries!!
Well the cooking was fun, i didn't even do much because Mel and Ricky were basically doing everything whilst I was organizing the plates, cutleries..
This was considered a late dinner as we planned everything a tad too late!
Haha.. the food was quite nice. The funny thing was that, since we never had dinner together like how we did.. KEVIN THE CLOWN started to put on this snobby-rich-british accent. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY!! Acting so.. poshy and all. HAHA had a good laugh there.
After the main meal, we started to make dessert!! I was excited cos I loveeee pancakes. BUT after seeing the plate of pancakes that my boyfriend and ricky made.. all of a sudden, I didn't feel like pancakes anymore. He made ONE that looked so perfect, while the others were bundled ontop of eachother like burnt paper!! Hahaha although it was still yummy.. I didn't take any pictures besides, the perfect pancake, and an 'R' that Ricky had cut out from his pancake which I will post up as soon as I get a-hold of those pics. After that, I was planning to go to the beach so I made a few phone calls to other mates, and they agreed. Problem was that, there wasn't enough room for everyone so it was either we dog someone or.. don't go at all. So we chose to not go which lead to others being mad which is understandable I guess? *shrugs
We went to Kevin's place and gambled.. LOL. Black Jack FTW. Isn't gambling so addictive? Although I have my limits and boundaries so don't you worry..
After that, went home and literally clonked out. Was so tired from doing NOTHING at all, hehe.

So.. TODAY! I didn't do shit all. Laid in bed and lazed around like a sick Well, that's all I guess. Just wanna say Happy birthday to my friend, Chris.
Have a lovely week people!

xoxo Kimoy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Trip around the world!

Uckie the cutie, lol.

Loving the scenary!

My cutie :)

Side dish to go with the congee?

congee with "black" eggs, gosh!

Well what a good night it was tonight. Went to the city with my boyfriend, Jimmy, Phillippe, Phillip A, David, Thai Uc, Steven and Bianca. Our only plan was to head up to the City and fool around. No, not fool around like teeny bopper style. But went around to buy food, eat etc. We went to Superbowl and had congee, yumm. But this one didn't taste as nice, and why the hell do they have black eggs? How racist!! Hahahaha..
After that we walked around for abit, went to Capitals (no, not to take photos) but to try to get those bears. My boyfriend won 1 after spending 10 bucks!! Lol. So not worth it..
Well afterwards, we went to Bondi beach, woot. Hang there for about 15 minutes HAHA and then went to TEMPE park. Omg, that park was so huge and fun!! I loved it.
There was this spinning chair thing that made me totally sick, and there was a flying fox thingo!
After that we went to um.. Some kebab place, it tasted nice. And so, afterwards we headed back home! Oh yeah, at the City there was this lady who looked really scary. Had dark eyeliner and heaps of lip stick on, and yeah she was asian. She asked for 1 dollar and I gave it to her. We only had 50 cents, and then she asked for another.. lol. Then my friend told me that, that was the lady who was always at Cabra before.. I feel sorry for her, I mean doesn't she have any kids?? *sigh..
Anyway, i'm gonna go to bed now. WAIT.. after I play around with my cafe world first HAHA.

xoxo Kimoy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello boredom!

So like, can today get anymore boring? Practically did nothing. Although I was supposed to go late night shopping with a few mates, I gave that one a pass due to low income of cash AND laziness, lol. I don't like window shopping.. especially when you view somthing that has totally caught your eye but you don't have money to purchase it! I need a job, that's all I know.
If I could earn up to 350 bucks a week, that'd be dam cool.
Well, today was "internet day" I'd like to call it. Purpose of name? A day where I'd just laze around in bed and browse around the net like a total fool. Is it really this hard to find a job? Gosh. Well, that's all I'm going to blog about today, since there's not much to write about. Haha.
Well toodles ladies, and gents (doubt guys would even bother to open up blogspot yet alone read my blogs.)

xoxo kimoy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I WANT!!!!

Sims 3. =D

Sony Cyber shot "red." OH EM GEE.

Nokia N900. I love big phones, so they don't get lost ;D

Hello Kitty diamond ring, show me the bling bling!

Hello Kitty contact lenses. Cute much?



So today's weather was very hot, about 35 degrees (omg) although I love it! Having a piece of summer. ;)
Well, I slept all the way through to 12-1 and then got a phone call from a mate saying to go to the pools. So yep, got up and got a lift to Fairfield Leisure center. At first we had to drive up to Lidcombe to drop my boyfriend's sister to work and then yeah.. went back and got dropped off.
Omg, the outside pool was so cold! I hesitated to get in, but after when I did it felt so good. It was so cool! The boys were being silly by pushing eachother, doing front/back flips (how dangerous).
AND RICKY THE ASSHOLE PUSHED ME INTO THE POOOL. I don't know why but I'm so scared of getting pushed into the pool, especially when there's a risk of smacking your head onto the concrete *shivers.
Well, I got some pictures from the pools that I took today just for my blog, hehe. Blog soon guys mwa!

xoxo Kimoy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So here are my most favourite, inspiring quotes that I follow: (I've highlighted the most favourite ones)

- And if it all falls apart, I will know in my heart, that the only dream that mattered came true. In this life, I was once loved by you.

- Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde

- That which doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger. Fredrich Nietzsche

- I don't mind making jokes, aslong as I don't look like one. Marilyn Monroe

- Common sense is not so common (I find this one real funny)

-When a stupid man is doing something he's ashamed of, he always declares that it's his duty. George Benard Shaw

-It is better to tell the hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie. In the end, the truth will make its way out and will hurt much more than it ever had to.

-Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. JFK.

-Choose your friends carefully, your enemies will choose you.

Welcome to my life.

The inner child in me, wants to come out and play.

Hey guys!

So today was quite an interesting day. Despite the fact that I didn't do much. So started off the day with going for brunch at Cabramatta, and then walked home (how fun ==") but I'm not blogging about that!

We got home and me and my boyfriend was really bored, he suggested that he should put make up on my face. I imediately said no, but there were many times when he had let me to that to him, so to be fair and squared, I let him do it. HE DIDNT EVEN MAKE UP MY FACE, HE BLOODY DREW ALL OVER IT WITH BLACK AND WHITE EYE LINER. I have a photo, I'll post it up to you soon.

And then I got mad.. So I started putting make up on him, and dear did he look like a drag queen, but a cute one of course. Hahaha.. We were acting so childish, but I absolutely loved it. Like they say,
" happiness itself does not stay - only moments of happiness do."

After that, we felt like taking a bath so we did! With our panties on of course! Hehe. It was so fun because we were doing the things that as a child we all used to. We made bubbles, splashed water at eachother etc. Haha..
Well.. Anyway, now I'm sitting here with my hair still wet and the air-con on as today's weather was so hot. But I loved it. I don't know why people complain about the weather all the time! I mean, when it's raining they complain about not being able to go out, then when it's hot they complain about not being able to go out also. Why expect such a perfect weather? Embrace what you get, lol.
My friends went to the pools yesterday but I couldn't go because I had what they call "trouble" every month.
Another friend suggested that we give the beach a visit on the weekends which will be great! I'm looking forward to it.
Hm.. Melissa's halloween party is coming up, and I am terribly excited along with the Akon ft. T-pain concert that we'll be attending, YAY. I'll post some pictures up. But for now, take care yall.

xoxo kimoy

Sometimes forgetting about things help you take a step through life faster.

Hey guys.

It's about 2.22am and I felt like blogging for some reason since I haven't blogged for a few days now! I'm also gonna re-touch my page up, and change it around all for the sake of boredom.
So what did I do today? Nothing really (like always) waited for my boyfriend to finish work so we could head out because I wanted to do something.
So.. He came home and I got really excited as my boyfriend's friend bought a new car (s13) and I was really keen to drive it since it's the brand of my favorite car! Lol. Oh boy did I enjoy it, although I don't really drive manual properly it was still all worth it! I WANT AN S15 NOW!!
So like, we then switched to my boyfriend's car because we were planning to go to the City.
I know, it's a Monday night, who the hell goes to the City? I do!
We went to pick up Trang, and off we went. We didn't do much, walked around for abit like idiots and then went to capital! Jimmy won two bears, and we tried to get others but didn't succeed. Then we wanted to go home. I KNOW! CITY FOR BEARS? LOL WHAT THE FUCK..
Hahaha.. Well, that's all I'm gonna type for now, my hands are getting tired.
Good bye folks xxx.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekends, YAY.

Hello, hello.

Gosh, life is boring! I really need to go out and do something fun.
I need to get a job. Remember how I said I went job hunting? Well all that for no fucking reason, like what the eff. NONE have called me back yet.. What a waste of time, but I hope they'll call me to fill in Christmas casualties. I wouldn't mind working during holidays aslong as I get cash and it doesn't interfer with my outings than it's all good in D hood :)

So today all I did was bloody lay in bed finished off my O.C (which isn't finished yet) and munched on food. Gosh I bet i put on atleast 5kg HAHAHAHAHA. But I don't mind, fat is the new cute :)

Ah.. Well that's it for today, blog tomorrow or something. GOOD NIGHT PEOPLE.

xoxo kimoy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ooh I love it when a boy gets mad.

So what is my title referring to, today? I guess the O.C dramas & boys got into my head as I've been laying in bed the whole day watching the season! It's getting a lil boring now..
Hm.. Haven't posted a blog since like, forever!
Well, not much has been happening I guess.. Just the celebration of my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend! We didn't do much, just lay in bed with snacks and watched dvds. This didn't really bother me much, I loved it! Love laying in bed spending time with my significant other.
I guess cause I'm aware that our relationship isn't based up gifts, and pricey activities and I'm proud to say it!
Ah.. Well, I guess i won't be blogging much. I really can't be bothered. Well, catcha laters!

xoxo Kimmoy