Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is love without the company of your friends?

True? Hm.. So many dramas these days and it makes me wonder occur at such significant times? Especially when your group of friends had just overcome most problems..
Whatever it is that is affecting our group, i hope it all goes away.
Sheesh, the rain is making me soooooo awkward! Makes me wanna lay in bed all night + day and do nothing at all.. But i know for a fact that, that can't happen due to i have duties that are calling me! Argghhhh.. =="
That also reminds me, i really have to get my L's. I've been lagging it man, and i even told people that as soon as i turn 16, ima go get it! Well, look at me now.. geez.
Hm... There's not much to type about, life is so boring and neutral. I wish i was travelling around America or France to see couture fashion shows! Or watch fat kids feed on their Mcdonals (Mcdoodles).. LOL
Well, i guess thats all ima blog about. Ill blog tomorrow if i have time! Im getting the hang of this, its pretty fun. Well, toodles for now.

xoxo, kimmoy.

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