Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sick, hungry, bored.

No jokes! I am dead sick. I've been sick for about 3 days now and let me note you, it is not such a pleasant feeling. I've been waking up with a blocked nose, sore throat, and my hair has gone messier than it has been before, LOL. I've also been accused of having the swine flu numerous times by my friends because of my sickness, but seriously dude. Don't scare me like that!

So, there's been something that has been bothering for about months now, and since i've got a blog, i'm gonna express my heart OUT!!

Why do your peers change? Why do they let cultural/religious reasons cut your friendship?

Please, god answer that. Because i, myself am not quite so sure why. You've went through high school hanging out with these people "thinking" you know them, speaking to them frequently and half way through your friendship, they disappear into thin air. They adapt a character whom i know isn't who they really are. It's like they've forced themselves to play a part just so they can satisfy others, just so "others" can have a positive aspect of them on how intelligent they are for not involving themselves in such activities that is "life threatening".
I am writing this blog with anger because these are MY friends and i wish i could have them back.
This situation has not only affected myself, but has affected other peers, that know them just as much as i do. Maybe some, who have known them longer!
I've seen these girls now, neither has smiles on their face. It's like their emotions has been destroyed, and all they have now is to stay neutral. I don't see that fun, loving, care free person anymore.
I see a hard-working, committed, devoted, SERIOUS 16 year old who is seriously living a boring life. Now, i may be selfish for blogging such things but if i wanted to hand out a clear message, then nothing can possibly stop me just so people can view my aspect on why i think believing in a certain religion is quite, frankly... stupid.
You live a life to satisfy yourself, not anyone else. You should be the one who make decisions, risk things, handle responsibilities not anyone else. It's like when you're crossing the road, when you're a child someone will have to hold your hand to get you to the other side, but once you are given responsibilities they let you go, so that you can cross the road yourself.
Nobody can live your life for you, so stop relying on him/her and just live your life properly, like how others are living theirs.
There are definitely more individuals out there who are suffering emotional wounds that needs help but does not sacrifice their social life for something to significant to people, yet so supernatural and unclear to most.
Why do you have to make your life sound so bad? Of course you will make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Not go up to somebody and ask for forgiveness! There is no such thing, and if you ask me, you won't be able to get through life.
So for those who are reading this, some may feel offended, or some may be feel that i am defending their ego. But i am doing this for me, because my anger has taken over my patience.
I am not however, going to apologize to those who feel offended because this is my opinion on this situation.

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