Monday, June 22, 2009

Random blog.

I'm soooo not a frequent user at this, not at all. I've always thought i would be, but no.
So... Its been awhile since i've blogged, so i'm putting in an effort to!
Whats been happening...Let's see..
Monica's party went off! It was excellent. Everyone made an effort to dress up, which made it so exciting! Even though it was raining, we all forgot about it because the party was terrific!
I dressed up as Daisy from that move 'Dukes of hazard'. I didn't even go searching for the costume, cause i had it all at home! Blehh..i got a lil tipsy at the party & yes.
Anyway, i got nothing to say but i love my boyfriend =]

xoxo kimmoy.

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