Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sweet sixteen? Sweet my ass!

Hello there again, i'm such a frequent blogger ain't i? But, it's fun. Since i've got nothing else to do but finish off a whole packet of oreos on my own!
So.. Today i wokeup at 7:15 and thought it was too early to wake up so i snoozed in. Then before i knew it, i've been pressing on the snooze button every 5 minutes until 8:25, LOL and that was when i got up and got ready for school.
Tommy walked to me to school, since it was my birthday and he didn't want me to walk on my own! WE WERE FREEZING like you don't understand! My skirt flew up numerous of times as well but luckily there was nobody around besides a few cars.. (you like what you see bitches?! *sticks finger up*)
So anyways, i got to school and then a force of sadness hit me.. i don't enjoy the energy of this school field. It makes me feel so useless that i have not completed 2 of my assessment tasks and failed my maths exam! But what the hell ya know? I still want a career in pyshcology, its not like i'm gonna be counting how many mentally challenged clients i've got, haha lame.
But yeah, i had English first, a few people wished me a happy birthday & it was nice to know that some people remembered! Thankks guys, but on the other hand, some friends would walk right past me forgetting it was my day, LIKE HELLO!! Hahahaha..
The whole day was so boring, and the hours were dragging on forever! FINALLY, it was school was almost over and i was excited but then, the deputy just had to see me a few minutes before the school bell rang. I went to his office only to find out, that i had to have detention with him for missing out other detentions (fugggerrtt) he knew it was my birthday after looking at my file on the computer and told me that if it wasn't for this day, i would've received internal suspension, EWWW.. i had that before, and let me tell you it's not pleasurable at all. You sit in the office trying to sneak a head phone in your ear only to see that he has been staring at you for the past 10 minutes monitoring you. You ask to go to the bathroom just so you could walk around the school trying to find your soul whom had left you in that BORING, DARK, ROOM.
I didn't wanna be in that position so of course, i came to detention. And lucky i did, because he dismissed me early! Yipppeee.. I left the school, and walked straight to M.T to eat, and go to Centrelink to get some forms, it was so blurdy cold dude! Wtf. This aint Antarctica, it's AUSTRALIA what happened to those bogan-ny thongs, singlets and them shorts mate! You can even wear them anymore due to this climate, LOL

So.... I went back to my boyfriend's house, because god knows why? His mum bought me a MIO PUP, its so cute! I fucking love, since i don't have a puuppy, i have a robot puppy now :)
My step dad came to pick me up (suprisingly) and i went home with the company of my balls which i thought i dropped somewhere on the ground, i was so scared. Don't know why?
I came home to a great loving family! They wished me a happy birthday, fed me with Vietnamese pancake, and..... 500 bucks. LOL JUST KIDDING! Hopefully they'll take me on a shopping spree or something.. Please :(

I will blog soon, most likely tomorrow! For those who have been reading my blogs, you sure got time on your hands but hope you find my life interesting hahahaha... stay tuned!

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