Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So much for being a frequent blogger.

Apoligies to those who actually read my blogs! I've just had very little time on my hands to complete tasks and all that..
You must be wondering how my birthday went? It was nice! Had dinner at the City with a few mates, then head back to our area and went to another birthday party :)
So i started off the day by watching the Hills then not realising that i was late! Well not technically late, but late for reality. I was suppose to be cleaning my room, and all that bullsh*t stuff, but instead i was too busy laughing away at all the dramas in the Hills when i realise that i, myself was starting the dramas of my life, lol.
I went in my room, stared at the mess and procrastinated.. "Oh, i'll just do it on Sunday" LOL.
So i got ready for my birthday (it was early as hell to do so) but i wanted to meet up with my boyfriend before hand so i could spend a lil time with him before i spend time with my friends, of course he came too.. but ya know.
So i met up with my friends at around 6:15ish? Waited for some people and as soon as it was 6:30 i really wanted to go because i made reservations for my dinner thing at the Korean BBQ place! I was getting quite annoyed because some people were taking their sweet ass time, but it was fine later on because i got to see them, and yeeee.. we got to go. Not to mention that we were lucky because it was an express train. If we were any later, we would've had to catch a train to Merrylands then bus it to the City, like eff off nikka.
When we got to the City, it was freeeeezing! Like shit dude, it felt as though it was gonna snow or something. I was also wearing a dress and a few other girls were too. Luckily it didn't rain, like last year and the year before dude. Oh what a mess that left...
So we walked to the BBQ place in a quick pace of course, luckily we weren't late or anything,
it was a nice place to dine at, had a nice 'home' smell. Confused aren't you? Well, i recalled telling some of my friends that i liked the smell of this place, it smelt like HOME, LOL.
So we ate, ate, talked, bla bla and then the bill came out. It wasn't expensive because we payed table by table, so yeahh... I had booked a K room in show but i found out that it was getting late, so we all head back to our area to go back to John's party. Apoligies to those who i dogged. :(
When we got back to Cabra, it was COLD. Not as cold as the City though, so thank goodness.
We got to the party, to find that some of my friends were drunnkkk and that the birthday boy was happy so i was happy to see. I went home early because i felt tired, and sick. And it was too cold to do anything anyway!
So yep, there you go... I'll blog soon.

xoxo kimmoy.

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