Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beautiful talkkkkkk.

Holy cow, i've been too lazy to do anything these days. All i've ever wanted to do was lay in bed all day long doing jack shit. I'm not sure on how i gotten this way because i have never been as lazy as i am now, and it's certainly not cool. I'm not the only one who has realise so, my boyfriends and friends see it too. (Great)
Well, let's just put that aside for a little while and talk about how flattering my day was.
Started off the day by waking up at 3pm! Yes 3pm, lol. That's the time i come home from school bloody 'ell. Went to have 'lunch' and then after that sat & chilled with Tommy. We then went to watch The Hang over! It was so funny! Like seriously, i recommend you guys to watch it. Leaves you curious for the whole movie. Hehe, i enjoyed it. And plus, watching a movie with a loved one. What more could you ask for? I loved it =]

I really love hanging with Tommy! He brings joy to whatever we do, even if its obviously a bad day, i know that he would try to do whatever he can just to see me smile.
Have you ever felt as though you've met your 'other half'? Like, i know this may sound stupid and all! But... It sure does feel like it. Or maybe every relationship is just like this i guess. But, everyone has their own opinions.. And i absolutely have mine.
You see, my boyfriend is one of the most intelligent, beautiful, soft-hearted person i will ever know or have known! I don't only see him as my boyfriend but as an inspiration towards me. He motivates me and provokes me to do wonderful things. Things that i won't regret later on in the future, and that is what i need and want in a person.. Not to mention, cherish.
I adore his wise personality, and his intelligence he brings to the table. He is sooo out of the ordinary, which makes everything a surprise! It's like, every day there is something new to look forward too and that's how my boyfriend is.

I'm not really a corny type, but today.. Seeing my boyfriend infront of my face just made me spill everything out! He really is something =)

Blog soon.

xoxo kimmoy

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