Monday, June 8, 2009

Lost or what?

Ok, so i'm quite new to this but i think the idea of having a blog is awesome!
Let's see.. i woke up at 11:30am, it's now 2:52pm and im still in bed, in my pjs with my messy hair BUT brushed teeth of course, and my gorgeous boyfriend who is still asleep next to me.
Waking up knowing that you don't have school is great! (thanks your majesty).

Nothing to do today, but just stay in bed watching boring old movies or PROBABLY going for a drive? Who knows, but hope to god that im doing something today/tonight.
yesterday me and the boy had a night in as well, and let me tell you it's not so sweet.
one is on the computer sweating his ass off playing Ragnorok while the other one is getting pissed off after playing numerous games of tetris, LOL. great way to spend the night.

My life is so boring, funny to hear this from an almost 16 year old. but seriously, i need to do something outrageously fun or elseeeee... well i'll blog again after i have the time to. but for now, adios amegos. xx.

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