Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Failing myself through life.

Like a failure, i'm lazy and also tend to do things i certainly regret.. Haven't been attending school for about 2 weeks now! This isn't me, but i have been obviously so lazy to do anything. All i've wanted to do is lay in bed with the tele on and my laptop besides me - which i've obviously accomplished. This is so turning into a habbit, and it needs to stop right away!! But then, i'm too lazy to even stop being lazy. Gosh.. I'd used to always diss those who take school for granted and those who throw away their education, but look at me now. I'm doing just about the same!

So, i was told today that i got a mark of 10% for my maths exam. And of course, i was expecting a low mark because i recall circling whatever looks 'nice' in the test, or i'd write a whole heap of sh*t on the test just so it'll look like i'm writing alot to the teacher! How fulla shitt am i ay?
I need to improve my character! I know i've got the potential to create a high mark, but i just can't be bothered to do so. I even had an idea of dropping outta school, but what on earth would i do with my life? I don't wanna work in a manufactory industry! I want people to work for ME.
Sheesh kebab.
Well, i had enough of self pity-ing myself. Blog soon guys =]

xoxo kimmoy

Beautiful talkkkkkk.

Holy cow, i've been too lazy to do anything these days. All i've ever wanted to do was lay in bed all day long doing jack shit. I'm not sure on how i gotten this way because i have never been as lazy as i am now, and it's certainly not cool. I'm not the only one who has realise so, my boyfriends and friends see it too. (Great)
Well, let's just put that aside for a little while and talk about how flattering my day was.
Started off the day by waking up at 3pm! Yes 3pm, lol. That's the time i come home from school bloody 'ell. Went to have 'lunch' and then after that sat & chilled with Tommy. We then went to watch The Hang over! It was so funny! Like seriously, i recommend you guys to watch it. Leaves you curious for the whole movie. Hehe, i enjoyed it. And plus, watching a movie with a loved one. What more could you ask for? I loved it =]

I really love hanging with Tommy! He brings joy to whatever we do, even if its obviously a bad day, i know that he would try to do whatever he can just to see me smile.
Have you ever felt as though you've met your 'other half'? Like, i know this may sound stupid and all! But... It sure does feel like it. Or maybe every relationship is just like this i guess. But, everyone has their own opinions.. And i absolutely have mine.
You see, my boyfriend is one of the most intelligent, beautiful, soft-hearted person i will ever know or have known! I don't only see him as my boyfriend but as an inspiration towards me. He motivates me and provokes me to do wonderful things. Things that i won't regret later on in the future, and that is what i need and want in a person.. Not to mention, cherish.
I adore his wise personality, and his intelligence he brings to the table. He is sooo out of the ordinary, which makes everything a surprise! It's like, every day there is something new to look forward too and that's how my boyfriend is.

I'm not really a corny type, but today.. Seeing my boyfriend infront of my face just made me spill everything out! He really is something =)

Blog soon.

xoxo kimmoy

Monday, June 22, 2009

Random blog.

I'm soooo not a frequent user at this, not at all. I've always thought i would be, but no.
So... Its been awhile since i've blogged, so i'm putting in an effort to!
Whats been happening...Let's see..
Monica's party went off! It was excellent. Everyone made an effort to dress up, which made it so exciting! Even though it was raining, we all forgot about it because the party was terrific!
I dressed up as Daisy from that move 'Dukes of hazard'. I didn't even go searching for the costume, cause i had it all at home! Blehh..i got a lil tipsy at the party & yes.
Anyway, i got nothing to say but i love my boyfriend =]

xoxo kimmoy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is love without the company of your friends?

True? Hm.. So many dramas these days and it makes me wonder occur at such significant times? Especially when your group of friends had just overcome most problems..
Whatever it is that is affecting our group, i hope it all goes away.
Sheesh, the rain is making me soooooo awkward! Makes me wanna lay in bed all night + day and do nothing at all.. But i know for a fact that, that can't happen due to i have duties that are calling me! Argghhhh.. =="
That also reminds me, i really have to get my L's. I've been lagging it man, and i even told people that as soon as i turn 16, ima go get it! Well, look at me now.. geez.
Hm... There's not much to type about, life is so boring and neutral. I wish i was travelling around America or France to see couture fashion shows! Or watch fat kids feed on their Mcdonals (Mcdoodles).. LOL
Well, i guess thats all ima blog about. Ill blog tomorrow if i have time! Im getting the hang of this, its pretty fun. Well, toodles for now.

xoxo, kimmoy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So much for being a frequent blogger.

Apoligies to those who actually read my blogs! I've just had very little time on my hands to complete tasks and all that..
You must be wondering how my birthday went? It was nice! Had dinner at the City with a few mates, then head back to our area and went to another birthday party :)
So i started off the day by watching the Hills then not realising that i was late! Well not technically late, but late for reality. I was suppose to be cleaning my room, and all that bullsh*t stuff, but instead i was too busy laughing away at all the dramas in the Hills when i realise that i, myself was starting the dramas of my life, lol.
I went in my room, stared at the mess and procrastinated.. "Oh, i'll just do it on Sunday" LOL.
So i got ready for my birthday (it was early as hell to do so) but i wanted to meet up with my boyfriend before hand so i could spend a lil time with him before i spend time with my friends, of course he came too.. but ya know.
So i met up with my friends at around 6:15ish? Waited for some people and as soon as it was 6:30 i really wanted to go because i made reservations for my dinner thing at the Korean BBQ place! I was getting quite annoyed because some people were taking their sweet ass time, but it was fine later on because i got to see them, and yeeee.. we got to go. Not to mention that we were lucky because it was an express train. If we were any later, we would've had to catch a train to Merrylands then bus it to the City, like eff off nikka.
When we got to the City, it was freeeeezing! Like shit dude, it felt as though it was gonna snow or something. I was also wearing a dress and a few other girls were too. Luckily it didn't rain, like last year and the year before dude. Oh what a mess that left...
So we walked to the BBQ place in a quick pace of course, luckily we weren't late or anything,
it was a nice place to dine at, had a nice 'home' smell. Confused aren't you? Well, i recalled telling some of my friends that i liked the smell of this place, it smelt like HOME, LOL.
So we ate, ate, talked, bla bla and then the bill came out. It wasn't expensive because we payed table by table, so yeahh... I had booked a K room in show but i found out that it was getting late, so we all head back to our area to go back to John's party. Apoligies to those who i dogged. :(
When we got back to Cabra, it was COLD. Not as cold as the City though, so thank goodness.
We got to the party, to find that some of my friends were drunnkkk and that the birthday boy was happy so i was happy to see. I went home early because i felt tired, and sick. And it was too cold to do anything anyway!
So yep, there you go... I'll blog soon.

xoxo kimmoy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sweet sixteen? Sweet my ass!

Hello there again, i'm such a frequent blogger ain't i? But, it's fun. Since i've got nothing else to do but finish off a whole packet of oreos on my own!
So.. Today i wokeup at 7:15 and thought it was too early to wake up so i snoozed in. Then before i knew it, i've been pressing on the snooze button every 5 minutes until 8:25, LOL and that was when i got up and got ready for school.
Tommy walked to me to school, since it was my birthday and he didn't want me to walk on my own! WE WERE FREEZING like you don't understand! My skirt flew up numerous of times as well but luckily there was nobody around besides a few cars.. (you like what you see bitches?! *sticks finger up*)
So anyways, i got to school and then a force of sadness hit me.. i don't enjoy the energy of this school field. It makes me feel so useless that i have not completed 2 of my assessment tasks and failed my maths exam! But what the hell ya know? I still want a career in pyshcology, its not like i'm gonna be counting how many mentally challenged clients i've got, haha lame.
But yeah, i had English first, a few people wished me a happy birthday & it was nice to know that some people remembered! Thankks guys, but on the other hand, some friends would walk right past me forgetting it was my day, LIKE HELLO!! Hahahaha..
The whole day was so boring, and the hours were dragging on forever! FINALLY, it was school was almost over and i was excited but then, the deputy just had to see me a few minutes before the school bell rang. I went to his office only to find out, that i had to have detention with him for missing out other detentions (fugggerrtt) he knew it was my birthday after looking at my file on the computer and told me that if it wasn't for this day, i would've received internal suspension, EWWW.. i had that before, and let me tell you it's not pleasurable at all. You sit in the office trying to sneak a head phone in your ear only to see that he has been staring at you for the past 10 minutes monitoring you. You ask to go to the bathroom just so you could walk around the school trying to find your soul whom had left you in that BORING, DARK, ROOM.
I didn't wanna be in that position so of course, i came to detention. And lucky i did, because he dismissed me early! Yipppeee.. I left the school, and walked straight to M.T to eat, and go to Centrelink to get some forms, it was so blurdy cold dude! Wtf. This aint Antarctica, it's AUSTRALIA what happened to those bogan-ny thongs, singlets and them shorts mate! You can even wear them anymore due to this climate, LOL

So.... I went back to my boyfriend's house, because god knows why? His mum bought me a MIO PUP, its so cute! I fucking love, since i don't have a puuppy, i have a robot puppy now :)
My step dad came to pick me up (suprisingly) and i went home with the company of my balls which i thought i dropped somewhere on the ground, i was so scared. Don't know why?
I came home to a great loving family! They wished me a happy birthday, fed me with Vietnamese pancake, and..... 500 bucks. LOL JUST KIDDING! Hopefully they'll take me on a shopping spree or something.. Please :(

I will blog soon, most likely tomorrow! For those who have been reading my blogs, you sure got time on your hands but hope you find my life interesting hahahaha... stay tuned!

Happy birthday to me!

Oh how joyful! I am finally 16, old enough to get sexually active AND old enough to get my freakin' L's. HAHAHA..
But my birthday started off surprisingly by my boyfriend and his mum surprising me with an ice cream freddo cake, she also handed me over red pocket money (sweet or what?!)
Then there was Vi & Jimmy who was there to celebrate it with me by joining us to eat ice cream at 12am.

I would post a picture up of the cake but i really dont have an actual photo and im not quite sure on how to do it. so imagine it !!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Arguements can suck it!

OK, this might seem abit low to post yet another dramatic blog, but i can't help it, that's what you're here for right? So i can express my aggressiveness, yet sensitivity side..

It's only a few hours before my 16th birthday, and i've had, what? About 5 arguments with the boyfriend already! How bad can my life get? And yes, what the hell right? It doesn't even seem that bad, but having to put everything together about my life is well... bad enough, for me that is.
I wonder if my REAL dad, who left me when i was just a little toddler still thinks about me now. Does he ever wonder if his almost fully grown matured daughter is still ALIVE or doing well in school?! Well i got news for you sugar daddy. She ain't. I could almost describe myself as a rebel individual who mucks up her life by doing everything just so she could satisfy her needs. Little selfish me! So what? This is me, like it or not.
I wonder if my parents at home are aware that my birthday is a few hours away... If they are planning to gift me with anything? Maybe love would be nice. Or maybe a place at home, feeling comfortable would be even better.. But i don't know, they ARE my asian parents, and they will never change their aspect of me.
Aspect, perspect, view.. BLA BLA BLA that's all i've been talking about. About how people see me, about how people see the world. I'm so sick of everything and how fast the world is changing. Why can't everything seem to be as it was before? When i was a little care free girl who had no opinions, who didn't seem to care what i've done. Who only was concerned about the smallest things.. That was the OLD me. This is me now.. The one who always stress about "significant" things, but that's pretty much bullshit. Because i don't, i just think i do. Only because of the environment i challenge myself in.
I don't need any artifical sympathy, just need someone to understand the way i am.
Sometimes i stand in the shower crying my eyes out thinking "KILL ME NOW" but then after, i laugh it off like sh*t, are you stupid Kimberly? I would think to myself, you're not cursed with some life threatening phase, why are you acting like this? Well.. I summed up my personality, and i have the results.. I am a qualified mentally challenged person. Can somebody help me? And no, it's not you buddy! *points up to the sky* (Apoligies for some misunderstanding, but only some specific people can understand what i am trying to point out)

I'll be sure to keep you tuned in about my annoying life. Yet, i just fucking love it!

Sick, hungry, bored.

No jokes! I am dead sick. I've been sick for about 3 days now and let me note you, it is not such a pleasant feeling. I've been waking up with a blocked nose, sore throat, and my hair has gone messier than it has been before, LOL. I've also been accused of having the swine flu numerous times by my friends because of my sickness, but seriously dude. Don't scare me like that!

So, there's been something that has been bothering for about months now, and since i've got a blog, i'm gonna express my heart OUT!!

Why do your peers change? Why do they let cultural/religious reasons cut your friendship?

Please, god answer that. Because i, myself am not quite so sure why. You've went through high school hanging out with these people "thinking" you know them, speaking to them frequently and half way through your friendship, they disappear into thin air. They adapt a character whom i know isn't who they really are. It's like they've forced themselves to play a part just so they can satisfy others, just so "others" can have a positive aspect of them on how intelligent they are for not involving themselves in such activities that is "life threatening".
I am writing this blog with anger because these are MY friends and i wish i could have them back.
This situation has not only affected myself, but has affected other peers, that know them just as much as i do. Maybe some, who have known them longer!
I've seen these girls now, neither has smiles on their face. It's like their emotions has been destroyed, and all they have now is to stay neutral. I don't see that fun, loving, care free person anymore.
I see a hard-working, committed, devoted, SERIOUS 16 year old who is seriously living a boring life. Now, i may be selfish for blogging such things but if i wanted to hand out a clear message, then nothing can possibly stop me just so people can view my aspect on why i think believing in a certain religion is quite, frankly... stupid.
You live a life to satisfy yourself, not anyone else. You should be the one who make decisions, risk things, handle responsibilities not anyone else. It's like when you're crossing the road, when you're a child someone will have to hold your hand to get you to the other side, but once you are given responsibilities they let you go, so that you can cross the road yourself.
Nobody can live your life for you, so stop relying on him/her and just live your life properly, like how others are living theirs.
There are definitely more individuals out there who are suffering emotional wounds that needs help but does not sacrifice their social life for something to significant to people, yet so supernatural and unclear to most.
Why do you have to make your life sound so bad? Of course you will make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Not go up to somebody and ask for forgiveness! There is no such thing, and if you ask me, you won't be able to get through life.
So for those who are reading this, some may feel offended, or some may be feel that i am defending their ego. But i am doing this for me, because my anger has taken over my patience.
I am not however, going to apologize to those who feel offended because this is my opinion on this situation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lost or what?

Ok, so i'm quite new to this but i think the idea of having a blog is awesome!
Let's see.. i woke up at 11:30am, it's now 2:52pm and im still in bed, in my pjs with my messy hair BUT brushed teeth of course, and my gorgeous boyfriend who is still asleep next to me.
Waking up knowing that you don't have school is great! (thanks your majesty).

Nothing to do today, but just stay in bed watching boring old movies or PROBABLY going for a drive? Who knows, but hope to god that im doing something today/tonight.
yesterday me and the boy had a night in as well, and let me tell you it's not so sweet.
one is on the computer sweating his ass off playing Ragnorok while the other one is getting pissed off after playing numerous games of tetris, LOL. great way to spend the night.

My life is so boring, funny to hear this from an almost 16 year old. but seriously, i need to do something outrageously fun or elseeeee... well i'll blog again after i have the time to. but for now, adios amegos. xx.