Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Woot woot!

Hey yall. I'm back! (for the mean time) lol. I'm using my boyfriend's sister's laptop at the moment, I think my mum is contemplating whether to change internet company! Woah, it feels good to finally blog again after how I was going to blog on my iPhone the other day, but I've got too much to say to actually do that!
So my last blog was about my anniversary right? Haha.. And my boyfriend's birthday was the next day? It turned out fine. He had some mates over to 'drink.' And I got along with them pretty well, I thought it would be awkward at first, but they're quite nice. Although Tommy didn't get completely 'smashed' I could tell that he was drunk because of his actions and the way he spoke! His words were all slurryyyy HAHA and he was showing his friend how to do all these UFC moves.
Ufc stands for.. Ultimate Fighting Challenge or someshit?? CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG PLEASE. But my boy loves watching it, and playing it :)

AND OH EM GEE.. I forgot to tell ya, the night before his birthday (on our anniversary day) we watched PARANORMAL ACTIVITY! I was shitting it at first, but after awhile, it got boring and stupid. I don't get why people speak about it like it's SO SCARY when it's not. It's so overrated! Especially the trailer.. LOL. I even watched it the next day, by myself. Only because I was slightly tipsy. I took a few shots with the birthday boy, and because me and his friends were playing so bottle cap game. Where we had to throw the bottle cap, and it had to hit the staircase, and then land on the ground. The cap that lands the furthest loses and has to skull half a bottle of beer! Eeeek. I really hate beer, but I haven't drank for so long now, and I guess it's fun to have a few drinks now and then. Although I don't get why people drink to get drunk on no special occasion? Lol? Stupid..
So the NEXT day, was a Saturday, and it was my two mate's birthday bash. Their names are Valery, and Terry (that rhymes) LOL. I wasn't planning to go at first but since I had nothing to do.. might as well you know? Tommy came along with me as well. Well first Jimmy (Tommy's close mate) called us to go hang with them for abit so we went to Vanrith's house (another friend of Tommy's) to chill for abit. We got hungry so we went to Hungry Jacks to buy food! Afterwards, we drove to pick up Kevin (my close buddy) and apparently it was Mc Happy day? So we went Maccas but I didn't get anything. Only Kevin did.. And apparently when you buy a Big Mac, $1 gets donated to charity. I mean, that's nice of them and all.. but every minute they're making a reasonable profit.. so shouldnt it be atleast half of how much the meal cost atleast?! STINGY MOTHERFUCKERS.
So yes.. afterwards we headed to the party, and it was pretty boring at first.. Well duhhh since it was still early, and everyone was just eating and chilling. He had a dance floor in the garage with rave lights and everything. It was so cool! So much smoke but, made me feel sick lol.
My friend Rofa, was there and asked me to have a shot with her.. So I did, because.. I don't know. I just wanted to I guess? And my boyfriend was outside hanging. So when he came back inside he smelt my mouth which had the scent of alcohol! He got angry at me.. ==" But it was something so small that should not be turned into a signifiant problem. I had told him, that because I'm so young I want to have fun and make the most out of everything! I guess he had a good think about it, and understood me.
We left the party early, and met up with Jimmy and Vanrith at KK'S (Kripsy Kremes) and we just sat there for abit. Got boring, so we went back to the party, lol! And afterwhile we decided to go somewhere else, and this time Phillip A (my best bud) came along with us. He wanted to go cruising. So we drove to David's house (Phillip's close bud) to pick him up even though he brang his car out. We went to Hj's (Hungry Jacks) and Jimmy was there. So we drov Jimmy home to drop his car home, but then we realized that there was nothing to do so we all decided to head home! My boyfriend's doing this thing where, everytime we go home.. he lets me drive. It's manual by the way. And I'm actually doing pretty good! I'm getting the hang of hill starting, gearing down, clutching properly, and balancing the clutch + accelartion! Loving it.
Hm.. What did we do that following Sunday.. Omg.. I don't remember!
WAIT. I think on Sunday night we went to watch 2012! That movie was pretty good although heaps of people said that it was shit and overrated. I think it was because they expected a better ending. I'm not going to spoil it for you guys.. But at the end, the world does not end. There will be ONE continent left where everyone sails too. Although the percentage of the population does decrease ><" I loved the movie, the graphics + sound effects was GREAT!!
On Monday, we didn't do much. Slept til 3pm in the arvo and the boys (Thai Uc, James, Richard, and Moo Moo) came over! So we decided to head out and do something. Although Richard went home. See what happens when everybody gets their P's? Things are so much more signifiant! Woah, this blog is turning into some sort of essay, SORRY lol.
So we drove to some park/lake/hang out spot in Milperra or something! THE WEATHER WAS SO BOILING MAN LIKE WAT THE HECK. We chilled for abit, and then Moo Moo had to return the car to his friend because he borrowed it. The house was somewhere in Hoxton by the country side.. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. The boys decided to swim in the pool whilst I was facebooking on the trampoline! I couldn't swim because I had my thingo. =="
After that, we went to Maccas, grabbed a bite and everyone decided to go home.
On Tuesday which is yesterday, me and the boyfriend decided to go and watch Time traveller's wife. OH GOD.. IT WAS BORING. The storyline seemed good, but the whole content of the movie was cliche I tell ya! I'm more into action/crime+investigation/horror. No more lovey dovey movies for me.. Especially in theatres --"
I really want to watch THE BOX. Seems so good! Yall should check out the trailer.
ANYWAY.. TODAY.. We're not planning to do anything I think. Well, talk to you all soon! Here are some pictures. :)


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