Monday, November 23, 2009

Cause boy, I-I-I want you right now!

So guess what? I just blogged everything out, and then accidently deleted it! I can't undo everything, and now I have to type it all out again. Fml? No, not really.
So.. even though I'm not that 'every day' blogger I used to be, I'll always update you guys with everything (in details of course) only because I love blogging so much? lol..
Anyway, here it goes!

On Friday.. we all decided to go to the beach/fishing. Who went? Well, it was me, Tommy, Jimmy, Phillip (A), Kevin, Moo Moo, David, and Julia. It was quite uncalled for because we started off doing nothing, just cruised around being bored people that we were. It was only, me, Tommy, Jimmy and Moo Moo at first cruising. Kevin wanted to go fishing.. Then Phillip called us up, and asked where we were! At that time, we were at Jimmy's area. So then we met up with Phillip and Kevin at Lansavales Maccas to plan everything out! Omg, Tommy was sitting on the boot thingy of the car with his legs sticking out, and then Phillip rammed the car at home to scare him. I guess he didn't break on time and then rammed into Tommy's feet, and it now has a massive scar on there! Looked pretty bad because the skin was gradually opening at the time, but it's healing now!
So yep, we all decided to go fishing so we all went home, got our crap and then left! First we went to La Parouse to the beach. The weather was so beautiful! It was so cool, and the water was beautiful. My intentions were to swim as soon as I got there, but stupidly I didn't bring any spare clothes and a towel, but in the end I ended up jumping into the water anyways. It was irresistable really because everyone was swimming! I loved it, my boyfriend was being a pussy and was too scared to get in the water haha! Cutie.
After that, Phillip directed us to some "mad" fishing place, but instead it was a completely waste of time! The fence to go all the way to the precise spot was CLOSED. So therefore we had to park the car at the gate, and crawl/climb over the fence AND THEN walk the 1km road! It was soooooo windy and tiring. I'd say it took approximately 15 minutes to get to the actual spot. =="
When we got there, we were all shocked because the rocks were so steep! We had to literally crawl our way down.. But I didn't go because it looked dangerous, and I made my boyfriend stay up because I didn't want him to go down there! Kevin, Jimmy and David went! After awhile, they realized that it was hopeless to fish there since it was too windy. So we left, and then went to Parramatta River, which was way more reasonable to stay! The climate was perfect, and there was shelter and a proper place to sit. I didn't fish, only because there wasn't enough rods.
Kevin the lucky one, had only begun to fish and had caught one already! It was quite small and hopeless... Haha. He was the only one who caught a fish that night! We stayed til 5am because that was when the curfew for red P platers had ended. We all dead tired!
Me and Tommy got home at like.. 6. And slept at 7.30. Stayed up watching T.V.

On Saturday we woke up at 4pm and cruised around with Kevin! And then he bought up the idea of going fishing again. So we did! The same people came except for Phillip A, and Moo Moo because it was the night of UTOPIA! For all those who don't have a clue about what Utopia is, it's a rave. Raves for 16s and over, and people go there to enjoy the music/festival and take drugs, (lol) upstraight right? But however, that is true! Okay, back to my topic now.
We went to some place at Picnic point! And oh em gee, we went to the Maccas there, and everything was horrible! That included, the food, the customer service and the music. Why the music? Because it was on repeat, and that shitty song got stuck in my head!
But yeah, it was sooooo packed but the line didn't even move an inch within 15 minutes?
Everyone was getting annoyed, and Jimmy got angry. Oh, and there was no ice in the drinks and the chips were soggy! And fuck, the buns were like.. old school and saggy, and it didn't seem fresh :(
After that, we went to the place to fish and it was an epic fail! It was dark like shit, there was no fishes whatsoever, AND there were heaps of mozzies! So much mozzies that it managed to get into my trackies, and it bit my tattoo area part. I was afraid to scratch there just incase I was to damage my tattoo ! Yeah, so after awhile we left, and then went to Chipping Nortan. Although this time we didn't fish only because we couldn't be bothered to get the rods and shit ready!
We just parked the cars there, and talked. From talking about ghosts to aliens to sex to people. It was alright, lol. Nothing special though! My boyfriend decided to fish and so did Jimmy. Jimmy caught a lil teeny tiny fish, and chucked it back into the water since it was hopeless to keep. We all went home at about 5! Same time, I know.. =="
So like when me and my boyfriend got home we had to get ready for Canberra! (I KNOW RIGHT? WE'RE CRAZY PEOPLE FOR NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP AND THEN TRAVELLING THE PRESENT DAY) So yeah, we went to Canley because that was where the buses were.
It was a private family bus. And yeah, it was basically my boyfriend's aunts, cousins etc.
It was a long 4 hour trip, fell asleep for like an hour or so and couldn't take it because of the noise! When we got there.. our first stop was to some flower place. It was boring? Literally.
It bored the crap outta me, and there was nothing amusing about it! Didn't take much pictures because I looked the like a D-E-A-D fish! Ha. Afterwards we went to the Mint factory, too bad the money making machines were closed so we didn't get to see much! We saw old coins, and new coins and crap. I bought some stuff.
After that, we went to the Parliament house! BORING. Not much to see but portraits of people, lol! Our last stop before heading home was the War Memorial Musuem. 'Twas interesting! Also.. touching. I loved it. Only because I find myself very interested in History!
So yeah, we headed home and then after that went to eat at Canley Vale.

On Monday (today) went to Cabra to eat, and then met up with Moo Moo because he was purchasing his car! Yay. After that, cruised around for abit and now I'm home, got an interview with Centerlink in regards of my youth allowance. Fuck. I feel so sick at the moment, feel like vommitting and quite dizzy. Well, I'll post some pictures up as soon as I get hold of the camera. Ciao guys, hope you all are well. XOXO

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