Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cheap bitch.

Fuck, just woke up after a really bad dream! I won't tell you what my dream was about, but I could tell you that it was relevant to what has been annoying me for the past month.
Gosh.. I don't understand why girls could be so fucken stupid, and disrespectful to themselves and others! But enough. I'm not going to waste my time ranting on *HER when I've got better shit to do than deal with her. It's just when I see her, I wanna slap her.. Yeah, yeah.. Violence doesn't solve anything.. BUT it does release anger, and stress! Oh well.. Just waiting for her to do any other stupid moves, then she'll get it. FOR SURE!! (AND YES IT'S A THREAT IF YOU'RE READING THIS HOE)

ANYWAY, GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL PEERS! Had a rocky sleep due to sleeping at 6am! What was I doing may you ask? One work = FACEBOOK. lol. I am so addicted to this network shit.. Even my boyfriend knows so! Disorder calling's my name..haha.
Well my boyfriend's mum asked me if I wanted to go to the Apple store at Burwood with her and my bf's sister. I might go since I own a stupid iPhone now, see if there's anything to buy. Maybe a phone cover.. BUT FAR OUT MAN I've got my stupid periods, and my tummy hurts :(
STUPID STUPID STUPID! Sucks being a girl sometimes.. *sigh
Well the boy is at work today, and I'm waiting for him to come home so we can watch Case 39 or the time traveller's wife. YAY!
hehe. Keep u updated soon.


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