Monday, November 2, 2009

Bitches, gangers, tb's, hardcunts.

Ok, so I was just facebooking like how normal people would and I stumbled across this page. I'm not going to mention this person's name. And I thought to myself..Gosh, she's like 19 and she still type 'lYk diSh!!'
Um.. Like what the fuck dude? Doesn't she feel embarrassed. I mean, c'mon even my younger brother is better in literacy than she is. Although this blog isn't going to be only about 'her.'
Lol, she wished it was. It's going to be based on TEENY BOPPERS, HARD CUNTS, BITCHES, AND GANGERS.

So, first rant, teeny boppers:

They are the most fucking annoying group of people in the whole world.
So I admit, we all had our days but this new 'generation' has brought the word teenagers to a whole different level. What the hell is with ugly asian blonde hairs being dyed un-evenly, and boob tubes with shorts being worn to somewhere as general as Cabramatta.
You see them almost everywhere at Cabramatta. Well, for me.. I hate tb's. I'd love to kick them in the face, but that's just plain mean because in time, they'll grow outta it eventually.
I hate the way they type, write and talk. Every sentence they speak has to be involved with a 'FUCK' or an ' AND SHIT ' if you get me. Like, swearing is bad enough if someone uses when it is appropriate, although swearing isn't appropriate. But to have young people swear every 3 seconds is seriously annoying.
I hate seeing them walk in a huge group passing through shops, mucking around, being rude to old people. I hate seeing them hanging at the station. I HATE THEM IN GENERAL.

Second rant, bitches.

So, I don't get why some people can't be nice, nor have respect for others.
It's either they've got issues with themselves OR they're just plain nasty.
I know, you'd probably think.. Oh how ironic of her to blog this when she had admit that she's a bitch herself. But I'm talking about bitches. PEOPLE WHO AREN'T NICE AT ALL.
They think they're so 'cool' because they've got body's covered in tatttoos.. oh jeez, relax a little.

Third rant, gangers.

For some reason, there are alot of these girls around. This topic here gets me started man! They fucking piss me off.. Seeing these young girls out on the streets with their tits popping out and there jeans as tight as my grandma's underwear. HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT FOR YOURSELFS.
If you won't, then who will!!! Don't expect people to respect ya.
It's also a huge piss off to see these animal's facebook with their shirt tied up, and their trying to stick their booty out. Like, whats your purpose mate? Who the fuck would want to look at a 14 year old. And to all those who actually like it. YOU GUYS ARE SICK.
And when I say gangers I don't mean, young girls. This goes out to older girls as well..
There are so many of them, and it makes me sick.
It's especially gross when yu see girls who bloody put TONS & TONS & TONS of make up on? Cake face much? Gosh that's disgusting.

Fourth rant, hardcunts:

OOOHHH.. I love this topic. Funny cause, there are so many guys out there who can relate to this title, RIGHT? And don't be living in denial because we all know you guys are.
Funny how they speak about how easy it is to smash people because they're got gangster friends, whose got guns? Um. nigga relax.
Its funny how they take photos of themselves spreading 500 bills out, is that mummy's money to pay rent?
Seriously.. I hate those guys. Just wanna get a hammer and smash their faces in, so they could wake up the fuck up LOL.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to type anymore. But if i've got more shit to type down then for sure I'll be back, cause I'm black. Okay, lame. CIAO.

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