Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hi guys!

It has been a long three days, or what is two? Well yeah, reason being was because I didn't have the internet at home which I stated in my other blog because my laptop is getting fixed.
Well, not much has been happening except for my poor little brother Anthony who burnt himself with boiling water after eating noodles :(
He stayed at the hospital for about 2 days, and had just returned home today.. I wouldn't say it's VERY bad, but it is bad because he's in a lot of pain, but he's one brave boy.. Although it'll leave a scar for life!
And my boyfriend the fag passed for his license test! After lagging it for how long, and failed once he finally got ahold of his red P's. It feels so different now because we now no longer have to walk to places, lol.
I'm staying over my boyfriend's house tonight since he's been staying over my place for the last two days.
OMG.. Last night.. was so fucken FREAKY!!! I was sleeping in the living room because I was watching T.V and my fucking front door (outta nowhere) opened up, and slammed!!!! I was shitting it, which made me cry and I was shaking so bad. So I quickly called up my boyfriend and told him what happened. Being the supportive boyfriend he is, he came over my place, placed me into his arms and made me fell asleep. I love him so much..
Hm.. I think that's all for now. Update yall soon.
Have a great week everyone.

XOXO Kimoyyy. ;)

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