Wednesday, November 11, 2009

La la la la land.

..So Case 39 was a pretty good movie, scared the shits out of me. Stupid pop ups, and sound effects. Although it didn't scare my boyfriend one bit, I asked him.. "Babe, aren't you scared?"
And he replies, "No, only when you scream then I get scared."
HAHA! Oh jeez..
So tomorrow, I'm going to call up either Liverpool TAFE or Wetheril. I'm so stupid for not enrolling into Ultimo. Didn't have the time to get there before applications were closed, fuck.
And yeah, tomorrow I'm also going to be catching up with Mel, and Monica at M.T (gosh)
don't even know why we're going to be at that place, but I guess cause it's local and more convienent to grab a bite and catch up. I love catch ups! You get to hear some interesting gossips, hehe.
So anyway yall. Blog tomorrow or something, see ya.


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