Monday, October 26, 2009

Vampire me! Great for the 'Halloween Occasion'

So yall must be wondering, "what the hell is she on about?" Haha.. Well I was referring out to my late night bed times, and inconsiderate afternoon wake ups. I know, no life right? Haha. Well I'm going to the City tomorrow to enroll for tafe with the boyfriend, so hope all that goes well :D
Apoligies for not blogging yesterday, because I came home late and was real tired, etc.
Was going to blog this morning but didn't really feel like it!
Haha. So it's 5.31AM and since I've been up all night youtubing weird random things, i decided to take a shower. HAHA..
Anyway, what happened on Saturday? Well.. My friend was having a BBQ at his new place, and some of my mates were considering of going.. I was still contemplating whether to go since the address was unknown and I didn't have a lift there whereas my other friends wanted to go and watch SAW 6! MADDDDD SHIIITT.. I was being so indecisive saying im gonna go to the bbq then mind knowing me, i wouldn't be surprised.
Anyway, the friends that wanted to go watch the movie was 'disapointed' in me since I said YES in the first place and then backed out.. SORRRYYYY GOSH. lol. After that I didnt want to be mean, and dog them so I came up with an idea that we all go to Woolies and buy ingredients to have dinner at my boy's place. Which worked out perfectly! I totally loved it, a night filled with joy + laughters + stories! All them random things..
We had steak, cheaps, steamed vegies and chicken snitzels (is that how u spell it?) on the menu. AND for dessert (I know, how fancy and totally un-necersary, right?) we had pancakes with vanilla ice-cream and strawberrrries!!
Well the cooking was fun, i didn't even do much because Mel and Ricky were basically doing everything whilst I was organizing the plates, cutleries..
This was considered a late dinner as we planned everything a tad too late!
Haha.. the food was quite nice. The funny thing was that, since we never had dinner together like how we did.. KEVIN THE CLOWN started to put on this snobby-rich-british accent. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY!! Acting so.. poshy and all. HAHA had a good laugh there.
After the main meal, we started to make dessert!! I was excited cos I loveeee pancakes. BUT after seeing the plate of pancakes that my boyfriend and ricky made.. all of a sudden, I didn't feel like pancakes anymore. He made ONE that looked so perfect, while the others were bundled ontop of eachother like burnt paper!! Hahaha although it was still yummy.. I didn't take any pictures besides, the perfect pancake, and an 'R' that Ricky had cut out from his pancake which I will post up as soon as I get a-hold of those pics. After that, I was planning to go to the beach so I made a few phone calls to other mates, and they agreed. Problem was that, there wasn't enough room for everyone so it was either we dog someone or.. don't go at all. So we chose to not go which lead to others being mad which is understandable I guess? *shrugs
We went to Kevin's place and gambled.. LOL. Black Jack FTW. Isn't gambling so addictive? Although I have my limits and boundaries so don't you worry..
After that, went home and literally clonked out. Was so tired from doing NOTHING at all, hehe.

So.. TODAY! I didn't do shit all. Laid in bed and lazed around like a sick Well, that's all I guess. Just wanna say Happy birthday to my friend, Chris.
Have a lovely week people!

xoxo Kimoy.

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