Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ooh I love it when a boy gets mad.

So what is my title referring to, today? I guess the O.C dramas & boys got into my head as I've been laying in bed the whole day watching the season! It's getting a lil boring now..
Hm.. Haven't posted a blog since like, forever!
Well, not much has been happening I guess.. Just the celebration of my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend! We didn't do much, just lay in bed with snacks and watched dvds. This didn't really bother me much, I loved it! Love laying in bed spending time with my significant other.
I guess cause I'm aware that our relationship isn't based up gifts, and pricey activities and I'm proud to say it!
Ah.. Well, I guess i won't be blogging much. I really can't be bothered. Well, catcha laters!

xoxo Kimmoy

1 comment:

  1. aww how cute! Low maintanince, the way i am aswell ;) good on ya! keep blogging. i loveee it! ;)
