Saturday, October 31, 2009

Late night outings at the beach + Kebabs + friends = sleep at 8 in the morning.


Haven't blogged since Wednesday! Apoligies, because I've been at home lately and my mumma took the laptop to fix since my keypad is effed. So that means.. NO NET.
So what have I been doing for the past three days? BEACH. We'd literally leave our area at 11pm and get to the beach at 1am or so. HAHA.. But it's quite fun! And I've been eating kebabs for like 3 days in a row now. Actually make that 4..=="
So my mum gifted me with an iPhone! I was so excited to use it since I've been using some old chatty Nokia phone since I've dropped my LG cookie in the toilet bowel at Melissa's house, lol.
BUT.. Since I jailbroke my phone, I tried to upgrade some program from iTunes, and i locked my freaking sim/phone.. I DON'T KNOW?? And then my boyfriend's sister jailbroke it again, and it worked although since my sim is Optus, it didn't work on it, but because we purchased the phone from a Telstra store, it works. So therefore I have to take it to the shops an unblock it again even though my mum already did it in the first place! What a freaking hassle.
So today's my boyfriend's dad's birthday, we went to have Thai food. YUMMMYYYY...
Sadly, the only thing I ate was Paupau salad cause I can't eat the other "weird" food.
Well anyways, its 5am and im so fucking tired. Mel's halloween party is tomorow and I don't even have a costume.. Hopefully I'll go shops tomorrow and figure something out? Not quite sure yet. Well, off to bed now. GOODBYE :)

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