Wednesday, October 21, 2009



So today's weather was very hot, about 35 degrees (omg) although I love it! Having a piece of summer. ;)
Well, I slept all the way through to 12-1 and then got a phone call from a mate saying to go to the pools. So yep, got up and got a lift to Fairfield Leisure center. At first we had to drive up to Lidcombe to drop my boyfriend's sister to work and then yeah.. went back and got dropped off.
Omg, the outside pool was so cold! I hesitated to get in, but after when I did it felt so good. It was so cool! The boys were being silly by pushing eachother, doing front/back flips (how dangerous).
AND RICKY THE ASSHOLE PUSHED ME INTO THE POOOL. I don't know why but I'm so scared of getting pushed into the pool, especially when there's a risk of smacking your head onto the concrete *shivers.
Well, I got some pictures from the pools that I took today just for my blog, hehe. Blog soon guys mwa!

xoxo Kimoy.

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