Thursday, September 17, 2009

Never knew job seeking could be so difficult to approach!

Hello to all!

It's about 2:56am and I am up because, after a long day of seeking for a job.. I literally clonked out when I got home.
So how was it? Bloody hectic. Not hectic in "that" kind of way, but the omg-whatthefuck hectik! Hahaha.. I only printed out 5 resumes as I thought it would've been necersarry, although I should've printed out wayyy more! I applied for.. G-star, Written, EB games, Glue and Kookai!
I came into Kookai expecting to have a lil interview but the manager said she had changed plans and had organized a group intervew instead. What a bummer! But I hope she does call me soon just incase one of those available jobs call me before hand. Although I would loveeee to work at Kookai due to it is my favourite clothing line!
I went Parra with the boys ( Kevin Tran, Philippe, James, Jonathan and Thai Uc ), and we were bloody tired for some reason as soon as we got back to our area..
Oh yeah, I must say.. I am considering to take sleeping pills because lately I have had trouble sleeping. It fucking sucks. I try sooooo hard to sleep but I end up laying there in the dark staring at the boring ceiling..
Oh jees louis.. This keypad is effing up again! How annoying. Well, I'm off. Fill you in about my 'work' details soon (hopefully).
-ciao guys ;)

xoxo kimoy

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