Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Must not fall asleep.

Now, yall must be wondering why my blog title says that?
Well it's because lately I've been sleeping at 4am in the morning and waking up in the afternoons which sucks. So to prevent that from happening again, I'm pulling off an all nighter til night time hoping to gain my appropriate sleeping pattern back! I feel so bloody tired right now, and my eyes are barely opened (for a split second there, I forgot how to spell barely ROFL) well yeah..
let me fill in the details of what has happened for the last few days.
For those who keep my blogs updated, on my 11 months I went go-karting with my beloved boyfriend and close mates. It was mad, I tell ya although I was quite nervous due to it was my first time! Well at first, I was really excited but then got anxious because of how fast those karts go AND because it looked dangerous for some reason. Usually I'm fond of taking risks and doing "extreme" things, but when it came to this.. I was literally shitting bricks.
Anyway, so everything was going good.. My speed was neutral until I decided to go faster since everyone on the track was probably experienced at this and I wouldn't want to hold them back since one of the rules was to not overtake others or else they'll be given a penalty? Which involves cutting your license! How dreadful. Well yes... Some old bloke, rammed me from behind and my go-kart flew into the tyres. What a bastard he was, because he laughed at me and quickly zoooomed off. Motherpricker. But I was fine, although I left the place with a sore neck, back and 2 minor bruises which is surprisingly 'ok' after what all the other injuries that I had a chance of getting.
So after that.. We went home. Yes, home early on a Saturday night. Well, I was quite used to it because I've been doing that for the last month ago. And I gotta say, it is actually alright. Better than wasting your time dealing with a stupid hang over and looking like shit the next time, right? So yepp... that sums up my 11 months. I don't think 11 months is a big deal anyway, I mean.. people often count the years and us teenagers bloody count the months? How immmature.. but we're cute. :) haha
Oh gosh.. I feel like laying down properly right now and snoozing away but I can't let that happen! Perhaps I shall go for a run? No no no..
OH YEAH.. I've been 'annoyed' at a certain someone for a few days now.. I don't wanna say too much. But if she doesn't change the way she is, I'm gonna have to say bye to her soon. She's not a good person, and I can tell that ALOT of people think that too.
Either than that, I love my mates. They are the bomb I tell ya <3
Stay tuned fuckers.

xoxo kimmoy

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