Saturday, September 12, 2009

12th October 2008.

This blog is dedicated to my significant other; Tommy Tieu Binh Lam.
I'm aware he probably won't even read this, though for those who do bother to read my blogs can have a taste of how love life is.
One word may compile all: Beautiful.
Yes, there's always those negative moments, days when I act on my negative emotions, days where I just wanted to leave everything behind. But because of hope and of course strength, I hold onto what I've got with Tommy very tight.
So yes, I'm still that typical 16 year old teenage going through a phase, but I do think it is important for everyone to go through this stage, to either learn OR to make wise and better decisions throughout the future.
I strongly trust my boyfriend with everything I say or do. I trust him with my life, and most importantly.. I trust him with my heart. The one thing that is fragile and deserves to be taken care of with love.
Everything that we went through affects our future, why? Because it determines how we are going to be later in the future. I've been plenty of mistakes, yet I do not however regret any of them because It has made me the loyal person I am today.
Anyway, I'm not going to type down a whole essay because I am hella tired. It's about 3:24am at the moment.. lol. But, stay tuned for moreee blogs my peeeps.

xoxo kimmoy.

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