Sunday, July 5, 2009

What doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger.

Oh no, I'm in trouble. I haven't blogged for how long? Since June the 23rd or something and It's now July the 5th.
What is there to say.. Well firstly, i succeeded in passing my L's! No more complaining about not having it, cause I've got it!
Not much has been happening besides dealing with rude, unkind people.. Trying to provoke my boyfriend to get off his computer chair to find a decent job and handling family situations! I guess it's the same old to those who has been keeping updated with my blogs. My mum and step-dad has been arguing again and it just gets me thinking on why people should get married? If this is how married couples act to each other then i certainly do not want to get married. You know that quote or whatever right? Marriage does not change anything but your last name, true? True! Cause then.. You'll end up living as a de facto family.
There's a list of things i have to accomplish before enjoy myself! Interested to hear?

- Pay Kevin Tang 20 bucks back ( I keep on forgetting because it has been awhile now, woops )
- Get my iPod fixed OR atleast get a new one ( The thought of not having updated songs makes me wanna shoot myself)
- Go shopping and get new clothes. ( Talk about a wardrobe make over )
- Clean my dirty, dirty room! ( It's been years since I've looked under my bed, wonder what's under there, hm.... )

I think that's it! Wait, I'm not sure, but if there's more I'll be sure to type it up for you guys to have a good laugh, lol.

So... I have been gradually easing myself back into school and revising on work that I've missed out, that's not so cool because there's so much to do in so little time! I remember i used to love saying that after watching Mary-Kate and Ashley's T.V series if anyone remembers that..
*SIGH I went to Centrelink the other day and i hated it! Waited 2 hours for someone to assist me in getting Youth Allowance and didn't even proceed after that! Anyway, is this blog long enough to make up for the times i didn't blog? Guess so! I'll be sure to blog frequently as soon as i get a hold of the internet more. But for now, take care and smile!

xoxo kimmoy

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