Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Farewell attendance...

Uh oh, i'm in trouble again! I didn't go school today nor Monday. Blame it on The Hills! I have been stuck in bed gazing into the TV screen having thoughts about school and of course the dramas that were occurring in The Hills (awesome show!)
Its not my fault i'm so addicted to it. Hahaha..
What's been happening? Not much! My mother was generous enough to purchase me a $200 gift card voucher to HOYTS movie theater, oh she is so sweet i love her to bits. The reason being was because she was concern that i might be a little bored when the school holidays are in! Bored? Hahahahaha... If you think so =]
My boyfriend is going on a trip with his friends to Port Stevens or something? Oh isn't he lucky, whilst im stuck here in this boring area doing jack sh*t. Well, i've got nothing else to say or type.. My life isn't so dramatic! So... farewell. I'll blog soon.

xoxo kimmoy

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