Thursday, July 16, 2009

Filling myself up with a packet of gum (16/7/09)

OH EM GEE! I am dying with the desperation of trying to satisfy my boredom. I always thought that Sundays were them boring days of the week, but having to stay home on a Thursday during the holidays is a killer!
I haven't blogged for quite a long time now, only because nothing extraordinary has been occurring my typical life..
Oh yeah, i have used up all my money in the gift card i told you guys about? It sucks too cause i've only visited the theater about 3 times, and the card itself got destroyed! Hehe, blame it on the M&Ms. =)
I've watched Bruno (with Phillip & Moo Moo), Ice-age 3 (with my lil brother) - i'll tell you about that in a second, AND i watched The Proposal with my boyfriend, (which was awesome)
OK.. So i decided to take my brother out last Saturday for the first time EVER! Surprisingly, it went well. He was well-behaved and obedient.. He didn't run around like a chicken without a head as i expected and he was so easy to supervise. I felt like a mother! Hahahaha..
I had an idea of taking him to the City but time was flying by so quick and that day was freezing.. So we went Bankstown instead! Yep, Ice age was gay, the 3D effects was chat.
Ahuh... Well, im heading out with my mates to the City today so it should be fun! I'm excited.
Well... blog soon. SEE YOU

xoxo kimmoy

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