Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Failing myself through life.

Like a failure, i'm lazy and also tend to do things i certainly regret.. Haven't been attending school for about 2 weeks now! This isn't me, but i have been obviously so lazy to do anything. All i've wanted to do is lay in bed with the tele on and my laptop besides me - which i've obviously accomplished. This is so turning into a habbit, and it needs to stop right away!! But then, i'm too lazy to even stop being lazy. Gosh.. I'd used to always diss those who take school for granted and those who throw away their education, but look at me now. I'm doing just about the same!

So, i was told today that i got a mark of 10% for my maths exam. And of course, i was expecting a low mark because i recall circling whatever looks 'nice' in the test, or i'd write a whole heap of sh*t on the test just so it'll look like i'm writing alot to the teacher! How fulla shitt am i ay?
I need to improve my character! I know i've got the potential to create a high mark, but i just can't be bothered to do so. I even had an idea of dropping outta school, but what on earth would i do with my life? I don't wanna work in a manufactory industry! I want people to work for ME.
Sheesh kebab.
Well, i had enough of self pity-ing myself. Blog soon guys =]

xoxo kimmoy

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