Monday, August 24, 2009

Good bye camera, house keys and Napoleon make up.

..As I am winning in Poker I am also quite upset managing to lose my leopard print bag containing with goods in it. So I bet yall wondering how I lost it? Ok.. Here's the story.
So we were coming back from watching "Dance Flick" (it was funny) and I guess when youngens go out they muck around alot. So I guess we were mucking around on the train doing stupid shit which lead my mind onto something else. I had left my bag on the train at approximately 11.45pm. I didn't even know that I left my bag on the train until my boyfriend was like to me, "Ay babe, where's your bag?"
My fucking jaw dropped!! Well yeah, we ran back to the train station and told the guards. Then he went and told the manager and the manager was a real nice guy. I could tell he was trying his best to find it for me by ringing all these train stations, well.. duh he's suppose to do that anyways since it's his job.
But yeah.. he told me that it was gone and that some gronk probably grabbed it whilst walking in the train.
Oh well.. it's gone now! BADLUCK I GUESS.
ANYWAY, I'm such a poker addict. I've been on this game all night last night and all day today.
ARGGHHH. I'll blog again right after I'm done with poker. so for now, ciao guys.

xoxo kimmoy

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