Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22nd.

Fuck me. Tommy and I just had the biggest argument ever, and It has left me wondering if this relationship is worth the fight and awful lot of tears.
I'm starting to think not, only because we fight repeatitively. We fight about the most random/stupidest thing ever! And I hate it, but what can you do but fight if you just wanna be right or defend yourself.
Well, this time time we fought over because I was too lazy to walk to the petrol station with him to get ciggies, and I forgot what I said that made him push me. I then stood up and punched him in the chest and we started to scream at eachother which lead his parents to run in to check what was happening. I feel bad because this was something I did not want them to see at all.
They started telling him off, and telling me to go home if it'll help. But I didn't want to leave things as it was.. I wanted to work things out (if possible) but he left, and I'm stuck sitting here typing this down. I think he's gonna be home soon as we speak. Now I'm not sure if this is an arguement or a break up because before he walked out, he said that I wasn't his girlfriend anymore.. How ironic. Because sometimes I'd like to think that he isn't my boyfriend, just for the fun and pleasure of it.


.. Anyway, I'm feeling a lil pissed off and my head is sore because I smashed my head numerously on the wall and punched myself as well, lol. How lame but I was really mad and I didn't have anything to take it out on. I punched Tommy so many times on the chest and I also slapped his face. He kinda deserved it since her pushed me like two times, and NOBODY pushes me.
Well.. I'm gonna go now. I'm so over this fucking shit.


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