Saturday, August 22, 2009

Leave the future behind and let's look back at the past!


I've got nothing to do tonight so therefore I'm gonna blog and write a load of shit that maybe you people might be interested in hearing.
So, I'm watching The notebook as we speak and also trying to get the hang of Twittering. A few friends recommended it for me since I like to change my status every single time something major/minor happens! Hehe.
I'm quite upset that I'm putting a weekend to waste as I didn't even do anything last night.
My life is so boring and dull. What am I saying.. I'm still so young, I should be out there breaking the law and doing stupid stuff yet I'd like to think that I am a matured teenager! Haha.. Not even close to that.
I really wanna go shopping and spoil myself with something nice! I need new jackets, and dresses, not to mention heels. Even though I don't really wear heels since my boyfriend is a tad shorter than me and It'd be worse if i wear heels if we're out. I'd be a giant next to him! How sucky. I saw this ring in Swarovski, and I think I've mention this in my most recent blog saying that my boyfriend had promised to get me the ring.
Well.. It's a diamond ring with diamond all over it, and it's so lovely. It's pretty cheap at the price of $160.oo and I love it because... it's cute. I WANT IT! My boyfriend said he's gonna get it for me soon, when he has the money to get it for me and I understand yet respect that of course. It's just I'm so used to being spoilt by my mummy. It's such a bad habbit sometimes, though don't get me wrong. It's not like I want my boyfriend to purchase all my wants all the time, just at times I wished I was gifted with something I've wanted! I'll try to find the ring on google and show it to you. I WOULD take a photo of it, but the store supervisors would probably thinking, "wtf" if I do, mwahaha.
Anyway, while my best friend is having some fun in Brisbane, I'm stuck in the boring Cabramatta with nothing to do. I wish I was in Brisbane at the moment, after all that is where I grew up in, and I love it. I miss it very much along with the environment. It's so much different to ours, because it's by far noisy and there are so much more BETTER things to do there.
Well, I think this is enough for tonight because my boyfriend is looking at me probably thinking what the hell I'm doing so adios for now and I'll blog probably tomorrow?
Ciao bella~

xx kimmoy

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